Don't Fuck With My Family

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Third Person (2.2k words)

Egypt's fit^^

Those dudes aren't as smart as they looked, Egypt had placed a small little tracker on the back of their car as she left, she was determined to find her family. Whatever it takes, whatever happens.

As long as she sees that Derrick and Erik are alright. She just hoped he was alright right now.

She wanted her son back, Erik wanted his son away from this. The tracker was taking her a while away, she meant hours away. As they were still driving and Egypt sped on the highway to catch up with the men, she kept distance because she still had a tracker, she made turns down streets to make it look like she wasn't following them.

She didn't know how far she was going, but she did know that the guys ahead of her took a break, at some fancy looking restaurant. This was Egypt's time. She ran up towards the car, pulling the handles violently. Of course they wouldn't have left them unlocked.

She didn't have no other choice, she held her gun up to the front window and shot it, but the bullet didn't work. She silencer kept the people from the inside the restaurant from hearing but that didn't stop Egypt's bullet mark from still being in the car's window.

She didn't know what's else she could do, so she needed to act fast. She walked to her car, checking for anything she could use to get into the car, or even get in good with those guys.

But all she could find was a crowbar, which could work to break the doors, but that would cause so much noise and potentially get both her, Erik and Derrick in trouble. She also has this cute little skirt combo from the last time she took this car out.

This was her only option, to change in the middle of no where. Which she did, slipping  on the nude two piece. The skirt and a nude tube top. She slipped on a jean jacket and then grabbed the nude chunk heels.

She threw her flip flops from the beach in the back of her car and slid on the heels. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do, but she did know she needed to get the attention of those men. Egypt had the image of the two men in her head.

If she could get them to trust her, then she would be golden. She walked into the restaurant, it's just how she thought it would be.

"Hello Ma'am reservation?" The front desk worker asked Egypt as she walked in.

"Oh, I'm meeting someone. He's already inside". Egypt responded and he let her keep walking deeper into the restaurant. She didn't know where she was going, but she did get stares as she walked in. Some from women that probably never saw her in this restaurant before and a lot from dog faced men that had a lusting issue.

She know she looked good, even if just merely 7 months ago she gave birth. Losing baby fat was one of the hardest things ever but she was able to do so. Good thing she did.

She walked through the isles of the people until she saw the two men that were holding 2 parts of her life in the back of their car. They were holding a conversation with some other guy, and they were laughing it up. In her purse she held a few more gadgets. She sat at a booth with a man who was happy as hell to have her sit there.

"Well hello there beautiful". He commented and Egypt decided to play the part. Plus he was the only beautiful guy in here. Dark chocolate skin, nice thick lips and perfectly sculpted.

"Hi there, what's your name". She smiled

"I'm Marvin, how about you". He smiled his pearly whites in my face and then Egypt noticed where she see this guy.

"Hello June". Egypt spoke and his smile was whipped from his face. His cover has been blown.

"Who are you". He asked

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