Daddy X Daughter

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Third Person...

Erik and Khari fit^^^


Khari kept crawling into the room until she was at Egypt's feet and she picked her up, sitting little Khari on her lap.

"You two alright, you need something?"

"Mommy are you alright?" Derrick asked, "Khari got upset and I heard crying".

"I'm good, baby don't worry about me". Egypt spoke her eyes were still a little red but she was calming myself. It was just a little mental breakdown, no need to get worked up over. Her kids weren't taken yet, and she didn't plan on them ever being taken from her.

As long as Egypt was alive she will slave to protect them.


Months down the line of Egypt's life Khari was growing before her eyes. She was 1 and she was able to do a lot. She was walking, but she preferred to crawl. She loved to play in Egypt's makeup brushes and she loved getting her nails painted.

Which was adorable to Egypt, today however Erik was going to take his daughter out. She's 1 she can pronounce about a good 20 words correctly. Other words sound slightly off but it's adorable.

"Erik take ya child out". Egypt demanded, looking at Erik while he got dressed.

"Babe, I had plans with the fellas today". He spoke as he checked himself over.

"Well looks like you and your daughter got plans today". Egypt smiled as she walked out the room to dress Khari. "She said she wants to match her daddy!" Egypt called out from the other room.

Erik grumbled knowing he was going to have to change his entire fit. Egypt came back into the room with a dressed Khari. She had one a little onesie that said 'Princess' on it, with black jeans and the gold and black Jordan 4's.

"Oh babygirl got drip huh? Just like daddy". Erik spoke as he walked into the closet and picked the same type of drip out for himself. The same exact top except it said 'King' on it and black jeans with the same gold and black 4's on his feet. He looked so good matching with his princess. He didn't admit it but he loved it.

He picked up little Khari from Egypt's arms as headed towards the door. "No smoking near my child, no drinking near my child. And you gotta do what she want. She the princess. If she come home and says you ruined her day, your week will be ruined MMK!" Egypt explained

"I gotchu Cleo. We gonna have a good time". He spoke as he left the house. Erik and Khari has a lot to do on this agenda. He made sure Khari was sucking on her pacifier when they left so she didn't start barking out demands so quickly.

He got into a good 4 seater and made sure Khari's small self was in the back. No need to her to be in any danger. All the cars they had were expensive so it didn't matter which he took.

He pulled up to a park, but it wasn't a normal park. It didn't have no swing sets or slides it was all grassy land and walkways. It wasn't like he came here for Khari anyways. He said he was going to meet up with the fellas and that's what he was planning on doing.

He carried Khari on his shoulders as the little 1 year old baby enjoyed the view from her tall fathers shoulders. That was until he stopped walking when he saw his friends before him.

"Aye L wassup". Erik said as he dapped one of his homeboys. The others were nicknamed Red, and Ant. Ant short for Anthony and Red was just a random pick-out.

"Killa, Damn nigga out the pen how's shit been". Red asked dapping Erik.

"Shid, all good". Erik said while chuckling. These were his homies and all, they were good for kicking it but he don't trust these niggas. He been out the pen for 4 years these niggas just now asking him how it been.

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