Knock Knock

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Egypt fit^^

My little sis turned 13 today😭 she now a teenager so I can fully whoop her ass..I'm getting all 13 of mine!

It was time for a meeting between the two, with all the items collected from the families Egypt wanted to see them up close. So Erik and Egypt were in their motel room, he was still sleeping but she was stepping out of the shower. He deserved the quick little nap he was taking, it wasn't like he was going to be allowed to sleep all night. They were pressed for time, Ethan was about to start the second trial and both Egypt and Erik had to be there for him.

As Egypt put on a robe she stepped out to Erik, who was awake now. He didn't say a word as he walked past her into the bathroom. Taking a hot rinse for about 15 minutes then walking out the shower with his towel hanging dangerously low.

She looked at him and noticed his dreads could use some maintenance. "Come, let me re-twist them". He obeyed and she sat at the edge of the bed, and opened her legs to let him sit in between them. Erik's warm body felt like a toaster in between her legs. She didn't mind as the warmth brought her comfort.

She took each dread and carefully helped to re-twist them. She liked how they looked afterwards once she was finished. He looked a lot more clean then before. Erik didn't move from in between her legs though. He wasn't leaving without a taste and Egypt better give her consent because he was going to eat his meal.

"So what you wanna eat before we head to Scott's place to discuss the items he collected". Egypt spoke and he didn't respond verbally. More by turning around and facing Egypt still on his knees. His face right close to her core and she didn't have on any underwear and she already knew where this was going.

She didn't want to say no, but she also couldn't say yes. It wasn't orderly. It wasn't professional, but it would have felt so right. So instead of saying flat out yes or no she said nothing.

His hands latched on to the ties of her robe and he gently pulled them free. She held the top of her robe closed and he pushed the bottom part open. He spread both her legs and just stared deeply at her core.

Making her nervous, so nervous to the point where she started closing her legs. He got a good grasp and pulled them back open roughly.

"Fuck you closing'em fo!". He snarled and she didn't answer. He smacked the side of her thigh. "I asked a question".

"I'm nervous alright! Damn you staring at it like you see a bug crawling out my shit!" She said and fell back on the bed. Her back hitting the sheets. Then she felt something swipe across the entrance of her flower. Making her jolt right back up.

"Erik". She said warningly. He didn't care about her warnings. Her words didn't mean a thing to him.

"Give me permission princess". He growled. Looking up at her with bedroom eyes and daring her to speak. He knew she couldn't say that, it was against protocol. She could lose her badge and she'd never get a job in the police force again.

Erik saw right through her, "Ain't nobody gotta know shit damn. You acting like you gotta tell the ops everything". He growled. "Give me permission". He roared again. The fact that he wasn't starting without consent was attractive to Egypt.

She hesitated, she opened her mouth to say something but she just couldn't. It was like something wasn't letting her, even though she wanted this badly. She took some deep breaths and nodded, "Words princess. You a grown ass woman so talk like it ". He was making this harder then it had to be.

"Erik, if you don't start alrea-". She was cut off by the feeling of his tongue parting her lips. She knew now that his tongue was also a skilled muscle on him. Usually men would use their fingers to part the leaking lips, but he didn't. He didn't need to, his tongue was strong enough for it.

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