Sleepless Night

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Egypt's POV (2.5k words)

Driving up to Paige's place I stopped the car. Looking over at Erik who didn't need any instructions. He got out the car and I did as well. Paige lives in a luxury apartment. She didn't do as posh as me but it was very close. This was a 4 star apartment, the rent was similar as mine.

Except she paid her own way, my parents paid mine. Which was a good thing in others eyes but in mine it made me feel as if I couldn't do well on my own. Then again I never did force them to stop, so it's just as bad. Erik followed me into the lobby where I said hi to the desk lady. She saw me everyday as I come to visit Paige a lot because of her insomnia.

"Good evening Marge". I smiled, as I kept walking.

"Good evening to you to, Miss Egypt". She smiled as I walked to the elevators towards the back of the apartment hallways. We both occupied it and I pressed the 9th floor the building only had 10.

I was happy to be getting to see my friend once more. "Are all your friends little spoiled rich girls". Erik said evilly

"No. I'm friends with you aren't I".

"We ain't friends". He said, it bruised my ego a bit. But I shook it off, he didn't want my friendship then fine.

"My friends aren't rich girls Erik. They are fortunate girls. Lucky enough to find good jobs that pay well. Something you could have done instead of stealing it-" I was quickly cut off as his hand gripped my throat and I was pushed against the elevator walls. No where to run, and nowhere to go I was stuck. Trapped between this one wall, and the brute who trapped me here. His eyes were dark as they scanned over my body. His eyes searching my face for some fear. Which I was, I didn't even have a chance to counter his moves...he was so fast!

I thought about the possible ways to escape, but he let me go before I was able to put it into action. I gasped for air, looking at him like he lost his mind. He just chuckled, "Watch the way you talk to me". He said darkly.

"You realize the guards in your Supermax prison didn't talk to you respectfully". I choked out.

"Yeah well they hid behind padding and guns. You being bold and I'm standing right here. Do it again". He looked to me actually daring me to it again. Which I would no problem. I hated disrespect and I rather die then be disrespected .

"You are a pussy ass bitch!" I snarled getting his eyes to turn a dark color again, and his evil smile to come back out. He looked almost possessed. The elevator doors ringed open and I was saved from having to potentially fight him off.

I was a trained operative, skilled in many types of martial arts. I could fight groups of men at once, I can take this guy right? RIGHT!?

I backed out the elevator not once breaking eye contact with his man. He followed right behind me also never looking away. To people passing by it just looked like lustful gazes. Only Erik and I knew what was behind our eyes. At this moment it wasn't lust. It was anger and rage behind our eyes.

I kept taking steps backwards, as he stalked forwards watching me. My eyes narrow as I reached Paige's apartment door. I knocked on her door and when it opened was when I took my eyes off Erik.

"Paige". I smiled. She was in a white tank top and her underwear. "You might want to cover up". I spoke

"Why? You seen this on the daily". She was lost and I just chuckled.

"My friend is...male". I stepped to the side and Erik being the petty male he was didn't move. "Erik..can you quit being a asshole for one minute". I whisper yelled and he grunted moving into Paige's view.

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