Once Upon A Evening

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This going to be short...

"You like the bubbles". I giggled as I finished washing Khari, I even went to wash her hair, it was growing fast. It was the little bit of Mexican and Indian that got her hair to grow.

While I rinsed it while and as I did so, her eyes closed like she was being pampered. "You little spoiled girl". I finished and put her hair in a lost ponytail so I didn't strain her hair.

I wrapped her in a towel and carried her into her bedroom to put on some pajamas. I put on some pull-ups and a night dress and set the little 1 year old in her crib.

I knew a shower would be able to put these kids to sleep, Khari was out once I laid her in bed. I swear she slept before Erik found me walking out the hover board shop.

But she was my child, and I love to sleep. I checked in on Derrick to see he was already dozed off. I walked deeper into the room, pulling his blanket over his body and watching as he got comfortable. Even though he doesn't know he's doing it he does it Every time. He does this when he lays with me, always snuggling against whatever he can get his hands on.

Just like his father, after I was done with the kids I made my way back down stairs just to see what I didn't want to see.

Erik was wearing his chest armor, and camp pants with his heavy boots. I already knew what that meant. He was leaving to risk his life some more. Leaving me with the kids to worry of he's ever going to come home again.

"Erik". I said softly and his neck snapped towards me. I didn't want to cry so I didn't, but I was upset. He made his way towards me his heavy boots making noises under him. He pulled me into a hug, but I pulled away as his chest armor wasn't good hugging material.

"I have to do this. Then we can all be safe. You know that". He whispered in my ear but I didn't want to know that.

"Yeah. I know". It was whatever. I was conflicted. I wanted my kids to be safe but I didn't want Erik to leave me. It was like choosing who's life was more important to me.

The lives of my kids or my husband. And I didn't want to choose. Erik already made the decision for me. His life was worth sacrificing for the kids and I didn't disagree. They deserve to live as they didn't do anything. Innocent kids brought into our crazy world.

"Be safe". I caressed his face with the back of my hand. "Be strong".

"For you, I'll be anything". I gave him once last kiss before I retreated back to my bedroom. I knew it was going to be cold and long nights. But it would be worth it knowing I can send my children outside to play and not have them worry about being kidnapped.

Little things like that are what make childhood nice. My kids didn't deserve this life and hopefully Erik can shut that all down.

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