Erik's Girl PT 2

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Egypt's POV (2k words)

"You leave me for 10 years and come back with a child!?". Serena spoke she was filled with hate and sadness.

"I never even said we were together Serena...I told you what it was". He spoke and I could tell he was getting irritated. Which he kinda had a reason for it but then again he didn't. This is what he gets when he plays women.

But in all honesty from what I'm hearing he didn't really play her. From the issue...from the get go he told her what it was. She was a fuck and go thing. And she must have agreed but then she wanted something more deep in her heart.

She knew Erik wouldn't agree with that and she never told him but kept fucking him. Which is why she is in this situation now. If a man tells you that your not his girlfriend your just a fuck buddy you shouldn't get feelings involved. Looks like Serena didn't get that message.

Erik didn't even feel the need to console her he didn't want to. I walked past them and up the stairs, little Derrick tugging on my hair. I turned my back and eyed Erik down. Then mouthed, "Fix this and get her outta here". Then walked upstairs, I was glad that Derrick was calming down. He and I both needed some sleep as I was exhausted.

My little boy was such a cutie, I held and lightly bounced him on my hip. Trying to bring him to some sleep. But he just kept his eyes wide open, I walked into a room. It was the master bedroom, the bed was huge, and it was covered with beautiful purple velvet cover which I wanted to sink deep into and sleep like a baby.

I walked over and sat on the bed, and let go of Derrick. He crawled over the bed. Hands and feet all over the bed, he was having the time of his life.

I laid back, leaning my head on a soft pillow. I would have knocked out but it was unsafe to leave Derrick without supervision. So I just laid on the pillow watching my child. As I was laying there I noticed Derrick slowly start to crawl over to me. He pulled my shirt and crawled inside. I giggled and pulled my collar and took a look inside to see his giggling face.

"You such a cutie...yes you are...yes you are". I said to the little child he squealed before he calmed down. 10 minutes later the little child was asleep inside my shirt and I was watching T.V. I rubbed the outside of my shirt knowing I was rubbing Derrick's back.

"She gone, I ain't sure for how long though". Erik said as he entered the room. He noticed the scene was quiet and he calmed his voice.

"Who was she?" I asked without turning to look at him.

"Hookup, hit it and quit it, smash and dash, freak it then leave it". He was making jokes and I was trying my hardest not to let him make me giggle, but I couldn't help it when he said 'freak it and leave it'. I started softly giggling and he took that as a scoot in behind me in bed.

Holding me from behind, "It doesn't matter anymore, I'm with you". He whispered in my ear.

"Are you sure, I could just be a long while dash". I giggled

"I would have dashed you a long time ago, definitely wouldn't have put a baby in you".

"Mmmh". I responded with. "Your such a hoe".

"You changed me. Aren't you proud". He chuckled.

"Nope". I spoke while looking into my shirt again at my son. Who was peacefully sleeping still.

"You lying. Quit lying to daddy". I could feel him lightly grip my ass, I didn't mind it though.

"I'm not doing that kinky shit with my son still here". I spoke in a whisper.

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