Discovering the Unknown

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Chapter One
Discovering the Unknown


Unknown's POV

It's midnight and I know Melody is out.

I look up at her house from the pavement. Stupid girl. She left her window wide open.

Now's my chance.

I run across the front garden and climb the side of the building using sticky pads to get a grip on the walls. I climb my way to her window and step inside.

I need to move fast.

I open her closet and throw out all her clothes to the ground.

Where is it?!

I run to her bedside table and flip it upside down. Nothing.

I open her chest at the end of her bed. Throwing out all her neatly stored teddies and throw them across the room. Nothing.

I heard steps on the stairs and I drop to the ground and crawl underneath the bed.


I found it. Her diary. I flip upside down and pluck it from underneath her bed and ripped off the tape on the book. I read the front of the book.

Melody's Diary

I silently chuckle. Hiding it in the pocket of my black trench coat. I smile and roll to the wall and stand up. I take one last look at her now-messy room before I jump out of the window.

I land on my hands and knees. It takes me a second to regain my strength. Kneeling on the grass I stand up. I sprint down the road, and down the neighbourhood.

Nobody saw me.
Not like they would even notice who I am.


"Goodnight Alex." I laugh.

"Night Mel." She walks down my garden and into the car and her dad drives away.

I close the door behind me. And walk up the stairs. Being as quiet as I can. I don't want to wake up my parents-

"Melody Melendez. Why are you home so late!" My mother yells. I take another step but I was caught before I could even lift up my foot.

I close my eyes, slowly turn around opening them to find my mums angry eyes. Her hands were on her hips with a spoon in her right hand and an apron over her nightdress.

"Sorry. Her dad got caught up at work and her mum was at work late in the hospital today. I tired calling you and dad but neither of you guys picked up."

She softened her posture. "Did you try the home phone?"

"No . . . " I say quietly. "I promise I won't do it again! I'm sorry mum."

"It's okay. Go get dressed in your pyjamas. I want you to see your fathers birthday cake!"

I frown. "You made it without me!" I whined.

"Well I was planning to make it with you when you got back." She countered. I sighed and made my way up the stairs to my room.

The kitchen doors slam and silence fills the air. My dad was working late also at the Hospital. Alex and I met there. She and I were best friends since we were four years old. Nothing could break us apart.

I opened my bedroom door and a gust of wind blew in my face. I must have left my bedroom window open. I walked over to my window but I tripped on something landing face first in a pile of clothes.

I blew my hair out of my eyes and picked the clothes up throwing it over my shoulder. I got up but toppled over again.

What the fuck? I made sure I cleaned my room before I left.

I walked back to my door and swatch on the light. I turned around and my jaw dropped.

My clothes were everywhere. My drawers where open and things were falling out of it. My chest of teddies were everywhere. And my bedside table was flipped over.

Realising something, my eyes widened and I crawled underneath my bed. I flipped upside down and for sure my diary was missing.

I screamed.

My mother burst through the door with a butcher knife in her hand. I stood up and turned to my mother.

"What happened? I heard screaming."

"M-my d-diary is m-missing." I say stuttering through my words.

"Melody! I can just buy you a new one. God Melody." She looked around my room. "I thought I told you to clean your room."

"I did. S-someone did this! I-I don't know why. They took my diary!" I bit my nails as I looked around the room.

"Stop making lies, your grounded for a week. Forget about seeing your fathers cake. You can see it tomorrow. Clean your room then go straight to bed. You have school tomorrow."

"But-" She was already gone before I could even process another word. I sighed and fell to the ground. Questions filled my mind.

Who took my diary?
Why did they take it?
Why do they need it?
What did I ever do to them?
How did they take it?
Why would they take it tonight?
How did they know I would be out?
Is he - or she - a stalker?

I sighed and got up from the ground using my bed as support. My legs were wobbling and I fell back to the ground.

What does this person want from me?


What did you think of the first chapter?
- Nat

*Next Chapter is Prewritten*

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