Dinner Kiss

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Chapter Ten
Dinner Kiss


The rest of the week when smoothly. I stayed as far away from Conrad and Alex as possible. Kyle and I ate lunch on the field. Conrad stopped bugging me, and I haven't been beaten up.

"Bye Kyle. I'll see you at seven." I hang up the phone placing it on my bed. Today was Saturday also know as Dinner with his family.

"Melody? Honey!" I groaned and sat up.
"Yeah mum!" I yelled.

"Get ready! The Smiths will be here in ten minutes!" My mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

After Kyle finally managed opened my bedroom door after I locked myself in, I told him everything. We just sat there in each other's arms. And it was the best feeling. Being in his arms, and not worrying about anything else in the world.

But he had to eventually leave. When he left my room my mum embraced him in a ten minute long hug. Thanking him. I told my mum over an over again I would've eventually opened the door when I got hungry, but she didn't believe me.

"Kay." I say not so loudly. I walked over to my closet deciding on something to wear.

I picked out black skinny jeans and a lace collared baby-blue blouse. I comb out all the tangles in my hair. I apply a small amount of make up, thin eyeliner and light mascara.

I gave my self a once-over. I looked good. Not too causal, but not too formal. Just right. I trot down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"When's dad coming?" I ask mum.

"He's in his room darling." I make an 'o' shape with my mouth and nod. "Can you check if he's ready?"

"Kay." I walk up the stairs and knock on my parents door. "Dad?"

"One second." He grunts. I hear shuffling and cupboards shutting. The door opens and dad steps out.

"Mums calling you." I say. Dad fixes his shirt and nods.

"Okay." He gives me a kiss on the forehead and heads down the stairs. I follow.

---40 Minutes Later---

"So how was Collage Tanner?" I groan as mum askes.

They arrived a few minutes after I called dad down. Tanner is taller than Kyle by a mere inch. Kyle's dad- James - looks just like Kyle but older and whiter hair. Tanner on the other hand looks more like his mother according to Mr. Smith.

"It's awesome Sarah. I love the classes." My mum nods and gives me a look, causing me to giggle.

Opposite me was my mum. Opposite Kyle was my dad. Opposite Tanner was Kyle's Dad. So kids on one side and the parents on another. (See picture)

Kyle's hand was on my thigh the entire time. He didn't bother to remove it, and I didn't really mind.

The dad's were busy in their conversation. And my mum was busy talking about things with Tanner. I looked at Kyle who smiled.

"I need to tell you something." He whispered in my ear. I furrowed my eyebrows. Tell me what?

"Sarah?" Mum stopped talking with Tanner and looked at Kyle. She nodded and Kyle continued. "Where are the bathrooms?"

"I can show him mum." I butted in. I realised what he was playing at. I stood up and mum went back to talking with Tanner. Not paying any attention whatsoever to us.

I headed for the downstairs bathroom but quickly switched courses and headed up the stairs. Nobody saw us besides Tanner who was smirking at me. I hid a blush that was forming before entering my room.

Kyle walked in and I slowly shut the door behind me. I look at Kyle who was looking around my room.

"So . . . What did you want to talk to me about?" He stands by my bed, I walk up next to him he faces me but looks to his left.

"Oh yeah. Right . . . " I studied the side of his face. He bites his lip as he stared at the floor. I couldn't help but bite mine too.

His lips. So kissable. So pink.

He turns his head and catches me looking at him. I stop biting my lip and leave it ajar. I can't help but stare at his lips. Kyle senses this and a smirk forms. I start blushing. I quickly look up at his eyes. His light blue eyes.

In a flat-second he grabs my waist. He slowly pulls me closer, our lips mere inches from touching. He looks up at my eyes and I look away, blushing harder by the minute. But I can't resist the temptation to look back. So I do. His eyes scan every inch of my face.

My nose, cheek, eyes, lips. He stops at my lips. He bites his lower lip as he stares at it. I couldn't hold back the blush. My cheeks turn scarlet red. He noticed and moves his gaze back to my eyes. He hands slowly trail up my body and stop at my cheeks. He uses his thumb to stroke my jawline, the punch. He leans in. I don't know what to do. Do I kiss him? Do I like him? Do I pull away? His eyes close as he gets nearer. Whilst mine stay wide open.

Do I kiss him?
Do I stop him?
Do I even like him?
Do I pull away?

No Mel. You do neither. You kiss him. You do like him. And you don't pull away.

Our lips connects and a I could imagine a million firework exploding around us. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I can't help but get lost in the kiss.

His hands get tangled up in my hair and my arms go around his torso. He moans between kisses and I can't help but get a tingly feeling at each moan.

His kiss is better than Conrad's. And I'm not afraid to say that to Conrad's face. Because it's true. Kyle's kiss is softer, passionate, and everything Conrad's kisses isn't.

Something tells me he's been wanting to do this for a while now.
It seems like everything he's been holding back is poured out into the kiss. I fall back and land on the bed.

Without breaking the kiss, his hand slides down my body and sits on the bed on either side of my head, I realise whats he's trying to do. Not to crush me with his weight. My hands move to his chest and slide up to his hair. I let my hands get tangled up in them.

Eventually we stop kissing. But Kyle plants one sweet soft kiss on my lips before completely stopping. I blush realising our current position. Oh man, if someone walks into the room I have no clue what to say.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that." He says. I let out a small smile and I peck his nose.

He leans closer to me and kisses me along the jawline. My body tenses, as his lips touch the cut. He chuckled into my neck, and kisses it. "Hey Melody?" He stops kissing me and looks me straight in the eyes and I get lost in his gaze.

"Yes Kyle?" I say sweetly, my hands are still around his neck.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

------END OF CHAPTER TEN------

Nothing to say.
- Nat
*Next Chapter is Prewritten*

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