Passed The Doors and Down The Pavement

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Chapter Five

Passed The Doors, and Down The Pavement


I turn around and start walking down the hallways but he grabbed my hand causing me to turn around. He stops me half way before smashing his lips on mine.

As on instinct, he grabs me by the front of the dress and pull me so that we're pressed up against the lockers. He grabs my hands and placed them on the sides of his face, then he clutches the sides of my hips.

My eye open wide and I shove him off me. Unprepared, he stumbles a few steps and bangs into the lockers.

I touch my lips gently with the tips of my finger. My first kiss. Conrad fucking Jennings stole my first kiss. My breath suddenly quickened its' pace. My vision got blurry and I new what was happening.

I turned on my heels and sprinted passed him and out the doors of the school. "No Melody wait!" Ignored him and continued to run down the hallway and down the pavement.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and blew away with the wind. I felt a single droplet fall on my skin. Then another. Then a few more, until it was full on chucking down with rain.

I was drenched. But that didn't stop me from running, I was for certain that Conrad was still chasing me. I could hear his footsteps behind me crashing into puddles. I didn't stop.

I knew he could overtake me, but it seemed like he's letting me go. I reached my neighbourhood and I sprinted to my front door. I lost him when we were off school property.

I unlocked the door and slammed it behind me. I fell to my knees burying my head in my hands. I could still feel his touch on his lips. This isn't how it's supposed to go.

He's not supposed to like me, he's supposed to hate me. He shouldn't kiss me, he should hurt me. He's supposed to forget about me, not come knocking at my door at 2am. He's not supposed to talk to me, he should ignore me, not throw paper balls at me. He should be doing a million in one things to me, but he's not.

Because he likes me.


Conrad's POV

I stop chasing her and watch her sprint furthest and further away from me. I run my hands through my wet hair and walk back to the building.

I walk to my English class and sit at the back of the room. I could still feel her lips on mine. Oh how I wish the touch would linger forever. But it won't.

Fuck. Why am I even thinking about her? I shouldn't. I won't. This is all a pre-planed game. I will get her to become my girlfriend. I will, I know that I will. I smiled but it sooner turned into a frown when I saw Luke? Isn't he that person hangs out with Melody all the time?

He walks into the room and sits down in the middle row. In front of me. I scribble something down on a paper and toss it at him. It lands In front of him on his desk. He picks it up and reads it.

He leans back and I lean in. "I'm sorry Conrad. But I cannot back off." I mentally groan when I hear his accent. "You know, she doesn't like you."

"Yeah well she will. And you better not tell her I like her." I threaten.

"Oh. Don't worry. I think she already knows with that kiss. Maybe next time you'll chose a more private space."


Sorry! Short chapter. But I have loads of homework and I'm only allowed to go on Wattpad until I finish. It sucks but I managed to get this done.

*Next Chapter is Prewritten*

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