Unaccounted Thoughts

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Chapter Fifty Three
Unaccounted Thoughts

Is it me or is Union J just like 1D?
Like seriously: look at the image above and you have to say that they look like Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis?


Sighing, I sling my bag over my shoulder. I stand by the door-inside the house. Well, the week is finally over and I'm back to school today. And that means Talia is leaving. And I'll have to face Kyle.

Okay, I lied to Conrad. Personally I had it all planned out before I went to bed on the day of the carnival (Wednesday). I would not talk or see Kyle, and in the four days of break we had it'll blow over and we'll will forget, for when on the fifth day-Monday-we'll be that perfect couple again.

I bite my lower lip standing by the door, tapping my foot on the wood floor. I close my eyes, imagining Talia standing on the other side of the door. She pulls her bag down the porch steps and say hi to her parents, and then they'll hug and kiss her exiting the car. Then they'll dump her bag as Talia sits in the back seat.

"Mel, what are you doing?" My mum says as she walks down the stairs.

I ignore her, quickly opening the door and shutting it tight behind me.

Right on time Talia's parents pulls out of the driveway. Talia notices me sticking her thumbs up. Anxiety fills my body as I start walking down the pavement.

I'll have to face Kyle today for the first time after the kiss with Conrad. Maybe he'll forget all about it, or he'll want to talk about it. I just hope that he doesn't hold on a grudge forever.


At my locker, I take out my mates text book along with my geography book.

Someone taps on my shoulder. I furrow my eye brows. I turn around, "Kyle." I breathe of relief. He smiles, though, he doesn't look the same. My eyes land on his lips. His smile is forced. He stops smiling when he sees me staring. I blush, looking away.

"What do you have first?" He asks. Even his voice is different, like he doesn't want to talk to me.

I hesitate before saying, "French."

He nods once, raises his eyebrows, and walks off. A sudden thought appears in my mind.

It was like he doesn't . . .

I shake my head. No. He probably had a bad morning. Everyone gets moody at least once. His was probably moody today.

I shut my locker running up to catch up with Kyle. I swear I heard him sigh as I caught up to him. I try my best to put on a smile and pretend I didn't hear him sigh. I turn my head smiling at him. He returns an emotionless small grin. I sigh this time as I look back that the hallways.

Teens rush past us, some bumping into us. But for me, everything was in slow motion. What wouldn't taken five minutes-felt like five hours. In silence we sauntered. All the way to the language building. I ignored any eye contact with him as I pass by his classroom. Suspecting he'll stop and step into class, he doesn't.

"Mel," he calls out, breaking the immense silence. I continue walking, my hand touches the railing for the stairs. I lift up my foot and take a few steps.

"I'll be late to class." I say without turning around.

He decides now to talk. After that soundless five minutes-he decides now to say something. I am not going to give in that easily. "Why did you not pull away?" He says before I could take another step.

"Why Melody?" He says again. "He wasn't even holding you, you could've easily pushed him away."

I ignore his question, by asking him a question. "Conrad told me something," I say, "he said I shouldn't trust you."

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