A Different Story

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Chapter Three

A Different Story


Conrad's POV

She walks down the pavement her held held high. I messed up so badly.

Here's the truth:

It was a dare. The entire thing. I only was supposed to take her diary and give it to the boys. Jace had other plans and he decided to do the whole poster and newspaper thing. I wasn't a part of it but of course Stella had to get on Melody's nerves and tell her it was me who organised the entire thing.

That why I broke up with her. I don't want to date bitches like her.

I fucked up big time. She probably hates my guts.

But to be honest I've been studying her for the past semester and she's amazing. She seems so insecure and innocent. She needs to find someone who will tell her all these things and make her bad days good.

Even if she doesn't have any friends besides Alex, and she still isn't a total bitch to everyone. She doesn't complain about her feelings to anyone.

I need to make her fall for me again.


Melody's POV

I walked up the stairs to my room. Tired, wet and pissed off at everyone and everything.

I threw my phone across the room and it broke. "Fuck you." I said to my broken phone that laid on the floor in the corner of my room, underneath my desk.

I don't care. I walk to my bathroom and change into a black sweatshirt and pants.

"Mel honey?! Come downstairs." Oh great. Just in the middle of it all I have to celebrate my dad birthday.

"Mum!" I whined. "Do I have to?"

My bedroom door opened revealing my furious mother. "Just yesterday you were dying to make the cake with me an now your saying you don't want to celebrate it!"

I bite my lower lip and looked to the ground trying to find the right words to say. "Mum." I start. I don't know where I'm going to end up but it's worth a shot.

"Conrad stole my diary. He's the one that came an trashed my room last night. He and his football buddies. They posted up posters and photocopies of my diary ALL OVER THE FREAKING CAMPUS." I let out a sigh after I finished and my mum sighed too.

"Hun." She placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort but it still I felt the tension in the air rise. "How about this: it's the first time your dad's home for a family event, on time at least. Let's just have fun and afterwards you can have the rest of the night to weep." She suggests. I let out a halfhearted chuckle.

"Thanks mum." She laughs with me and gives my shoulder a squeeze before letting go and walking downstairs. I sigh and follow behind.



I smiled for the camera as my dad cut the cake. We ordered a photographer particularly for this event. My dad smiled up at me from his sofa where his cake lay half eaten on the coffee table in front of him. He leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you darling." I smiled and embrace him in a hug from behind the sofa.

"I love you too dad."


The photographer snapped this happy moment and my mum walked in the living room. He started packing his camera and my mum handed him the money.

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