The Wisdom In The Words: Part One

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Chapter Forty Eight
The Wisdom In The Words: Part One

Shit! This is a long book.

Okay, I'm currently writing this straight after I watched the newest Hobbit movie. It's called -- I think -- The Hobbit: the battle of the five armies.

Has anyone seen it? - Natty


He wraps an arm around me and this time I'm careful. Careful to make sure I'm breathing in the right perfume. That I'm not imagining.

I'm mistaken, he doesn't smell like Alex or any feminine product. He smells boyish, masculine. Like any guy would.

I move closer to him breathing in the mixtures of different foods and sweat. It's always sweat. Everywhere you go there's the smell of sweat.

The carnival is how I've always imagined it to be. Loads of people bustling around. Food stalls and drink stands with a large pathway of grass for people to mill about in between. With activities like: buying souvenirs or going on the small rides.

It takes up and entire road, the road right In front of the only amusement park we have. But only people over 17 are aloud inside. Though food and souvenirs are not all you can get here. In the middle of the pathway -- leading all the way up to the end of the road -- is benches. Mainly for people to sit on and eat.

"Who wants to go on the Teacup ride?" Talia says sticking the final piece of corndog into her mouth.

"Not a good idea Tal," I joke, "your gonna barf."

She sticks out her tongue sitting down besides me. Kyle's grip tightens, his eyes narrow and I see why.

Far of in the distance, walking towards us with his killer smirk on his face, is Conrad. "What's he doing here," Kyle whispers in my ear.

Talia hears and bends over to look at him, "everyone's here, Kyle, I would be surprised if he wasn't," Kyle hot breath beats on the side of my face as he scoffs of annoyance. I sigh, kissing him on the mouth.

"Mel," Talia pats my shoulder, I break away from Kyle looking at the dimpled smile in front of me.

"Fancy seeing your here Mel," Conrad says eyeing Kyle.

"I was about to say the same thing about you," Kyle spits, lessening his grip.

"Just saying hello," he says, "didn't know it was a crime to say hello to a friend," Kyle stands up, Conrad takes a step back, not intimidated but clearing space incase a fight does break out.

Realising the situation Talia jumps into action before I could even get a word out. "Break it up guys," she pushes Kyle back next to me, and nerved, I hold his hand.

"Calm down Kyle, he doesn't mean trouble." I say halfheartedly. He sighs relaxing his muscles, and interlacing our fingers.

"Well, bye bye then." Conrad walks off cheerily, my eyes follow him. He slows down his pace as he catches up with his football friends.

Tavel, Kyle's best friend walks up to us, his eyes never leaving Talia's.

I smile whispering in Kyle's ear, "I think someone's got a crush," Kyle chuckles, acknowledging Tavel in a one hand, hand shake.

"T'sup Tav?" Kyle says, he nods at me and I smile sticking out my hand.

"Melody, or Mel," I say. He arches his eyebrows.

"Ah, so this is the mystery girl Kyle's been going on about nonstop," I blush looking down, Kyle laughs nervously.

"Shut up Tav," he mumbles, Tavel laughs running a hand through his sandy blonde hair. His blue eyes shadowed by the street lights illuminating the carnival in eerie glow due to the reflection of the dewed grass.

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