Crash Course

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Chapter Seventeen

Crash Course

Sooo much happening!!! :0


I jump of the counter top, and rush to the door. I don't know how I plan to get away and go home but all I want now is to not to see this bastard. Sprinting across the room, I swing open the door, and jump down the porch. I run. I don't know where. But I just do. I sprint as fast and my thin legs can take me. And I don't stop till I reach the pavement.

It's nightfall and I'm guessing the kiss wasn't just a 2 second kiss. More like a 2 hour kiss. I burry my hands underneath my armpits and start walking down the pavement.

I'm guessing that this road leads into a motorway. If I take a...oh I don't know. Left? Right? Or do I continue straight? I see streetlights on my left and that means a neighbourhood. And a neighbourhood means bus stops. Also known as my ticket home. I take a left and start running. Not because of excitement of finding my way home, no not that. Because of a voice calling my name. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out whom.

I reach the first streetlight and I was right. Houses and houses down this never ending road. I see an all-too-familiar bench and sign and I smile. I knew it.

I run up to the post and squint. The lighting is so shit I have to be inches from the sign to actually see and read it.

I smile and jump up and down and do a small happy dance. "Yes!" I quickly pull out my phone from my pocket.

7:03pm. Exactly 2 minute to spare. Perfect. I look off into the distance and I see no silhouettes following me. Perfect again. I smile triumphantly and take a calming seat on the bench.

I let out a small sigh, calming our nerves. My nose starts pricking again. My eyes starts watering. My vision stars becoming blurry. I run a hand through my hair-

I stop. I pull my hand out of my hair.

"No, I'm not the jealous type Mel."

"I know you won't do anything stupid, I trust you."

"It's fine. I know you won't do anything that could - well - jeopardise our relationship so why should I worry?"

"As long as he doesn't kiss you and you still love me, that's all I care about."

I can't make out anything anymore. My eyes are full of tears yet none are falling. My breathing is jagged, my palms are sweaty and I think I have beads of sweat on the top of my lip. I run my arms over my lips but I was wrong no sweat was there. Just my crazy imagination.

The bus arrives a few minutes late. My eyes are still glistening and my body feels as though it may collapse any second. The door slowly opens and I get up from the bench-

"Melody wait!" I turn to my right and I wipe my eyes. A silhouette is running up to me. At first I think I might be dreaming but Conrad comes closer and closer. My eyes start watering just at the sight of him. I try my best to ignore his pleading calls and pretend I'm not the Melody he's calling to. Just until I'm home. Then I can revert back to Melody. Right now I'll be Belle. Sure. Belle, it's suits me in a way. I've always wanted that name. Not fucking Melody. Not the girl who cheated on her boyfriend in less than a week!

"Mel!" He calls again. I ignore his existence behind me. He grabs my arm making me finch. I jerk my arm away from his grip but he pulls harder making me fall of the bus platform and into the road.

Just facing him, my blood boils. The bus closes the door slowly behind me and my eyes widen. I knee Conrad in the crotch making him double over and land on the bench. I ignore his moans and the fact that just recently I was kissing him and he was making those same sound whilst his lips were on mine. Conrad looks up, a tear slips out as it lands on the concrete.

I take one last look him before I jump onto the platform of the bus before the doors can shut. I take a slow deep breath as the doors shut behind me. "Thanks." I say spitefully at the driver. He shrugs and turns the bus out of the bus stop.

I walk over to the farthest seat of the bus and sit down. The bus is completely deserted besides the Couple three rows in front of me. I look away and rest my head on the glass, staring outside.

I think back to the Bungalow. I remember so vividly his actions and mine. How I placed my hands on his chest as his hands were on my waist. How my hands trailed down his shirt, how he - quickly - took it off exposing his perfect muscled body. My hands on him as his hands were pushing us closer together. My legs around his waist-

I stop there. Tears are falling freely from my eyes now. I wipe them with the back of my hand but groan when I remember I left my jacket in his car. My eyes would be red and puffy if I continued like this. But I don't, I stop crying.

If you told me a month ago that I would be on a date with him and have a major make out session I would be the happiest girl in the world. But this isn't a month ago. This is now, and there's nothing I can do to rewind back to a month ago and just accept that offer Stella offered. None of this would've happening if I don't just accept that offer. I would be dating Conrad, popular, nobody would know about Daren. And most certainly I wouldn't feel like this.

I shouldn't have kissed Conrad. I should've pulled away. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for Kyle either. I would be home with him cuddling with Me. Not in a bus, on the verge of tears, thinking about how I fucked up everything in my life.

But I can't change what's already done. I can't erase my kiss with Conrad. I can't forget about what Kyle said to me before I left. And I defiantly can't get rid of this aching feeling in my heart. But I can't make up my mind.

Who do I like more? Conrad or Kyle?


hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I just have to say the new update from Wattpad is really shit because I have an iPhone 4s and every time I write the page jerks and I can't type. So once update will happen And it get fixed I doubt I can update! All the previous chapters were already typed before this update. Only half of this chapter was written when I updated it. So I basically wrote this on Notes. I'll continue writing on Notes but it's really hard because It doesn't have the effects like Wattpad does. (Shortcuts like commas, dialog marks" etc.) . But I recently software updated my iPhone to 8.0.2 so I'll have all the Italics and bold things but I doubt they'll show when I copy it to Wattpad. But since I won't be updating I wanted to try my best to update all my pre-written chapters...


- Sorry... Nat.

*Next Chapter is Prewritten*

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