Abetting or Aiding?

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Chapter Fifty
Abetting or Aiding?

Lalala :)
Did I ever like make a loonngg thank you about the 1K reads?


Kyle comes directly at us, I pretend not to see. Closing my eyes tightly and preparing myself for the impact.

"Get away from Melody!" Kyle yells at the top of his lungs. He rips us apart, a bit to forcefully. I fall backwards my hands scraping against the tarmac to protect my fall.

Kyle punches Conrad in the nose. A loud crack makes me wince with pain. I stand up rushing to Conrad's aid pulling them apart.

"Stop," I say pushing them both apart. Blind with anger, Kyle shoves me hard causing me to fall backwards into the ground. I scrape my elbows, but I get up and try again.

"You bastard!" Kyle yells throwing another punch to Conrad's face. Again and again he throws punches at him. Conrad catches his final throw pushing him backwards making him loose balance. He catches his shirt punching him hard in the jaw.

He stumbles a few steps but Conrad's more bloodier then him. Not giving up Kyle knees him in the groin. "I trusted you!" He yells as he doubles over.

I run up to Kyle grabbing his arms and pulling him away, "enough Kyle," I cry out. He shrugs me off preparing himself for his final blow.

In pain Conrad stands up, "I'm not the only cheater here Kyle," he says.

"What?" I say looking at Kyle.

Infuriated, Kyle runs up to Conrad, shoulder tackling him to the ground.

"You kissed Melody!" He yells punching him in the eye.

Conrad lays there letting Kyle punch and beat the crap out of him.

He's not going to fight back.
Why won't he fight back?

I can't just sit here and let Conrad get beat up. "Defend yourself Conrad!" I yell. He pushes Kyle off him, both standing up.

Conrad's the first to regain strength and punch Kyle hard in the eye. I wince as Kyle throws another punch to his ribs. Wiping the blood from his jaw and nose Kyle holds Conrad's incoming punch and uses his other hand for another blow. I run in between them just as Kyle's about to throw his punch.

"Eno-" I'm cut off by the impact to my cheekbone from Kyle's fist. I fall backwards the shocking pain shooting through my cheek.

Tears fall from my eyes, I hold my cheek looking up at Kyle. His eyes grow wide and he rushes up to me.

Kyle rubs his hand across my bloodied cheek. "I'm so sorry Melody," he says, his voice breaking off. I smile trying to lighten the mood.

"It's fine, I've had worse days," Conrad stands by my feet. Kyle laughs standing besides Conrad, reaching out a hand to help me up.

"Stay away from Mel, Conrad," Kyle threatens, holding me close.

"Or what?" He dares, taking a dangerous step towards me.

Kyle lets me go, coming in between him and I.

"I'm not going to fight you Conrad. You had your chance to ask her out, but you didn't. Your too late Conrad, Melody's mine," he walks back to where we just came from.

I look up at Conrad, taking a scared step back. "Mel," he says. I bite my lower lip, his face is covered in blood.

His nose is probably broken, again. And blood is pouring out. And his eye is going to be black and swollen in the morning. He has a cut in his forehead, and I'm pretty sure his breathing is jagged, due to the punch in his ribs. I raise my hand touching his chest.

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