The Eleventh

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Chapter Fifty Four
The Eleventh

Aweeeee I like this chapter. And I like Kyle's actions as well in this chapter. So like I'm loving this chappie a lot.
Anndd Meerryy Christmass! Even thoughhh it's like a few days late. Buuuttt, "it's the thought that counts" <- as Nikita says :p

Hiya, so I'm going through the WU plan and there's like three bullet points left. So expect this book to be completed by JANUARY 1st. There'll be about three or four chapters left in this book (excluding this one). I don't know yet so it's not confirmed because I still have to write and its December 30th today so yeah. I'll post chapters fifty three and four today and then tomorrow (dec 31st) I'll post chapter fifty five and six tomorrow and at midnight tomorrow or in the morning I'll post the final chapter.

- Lol Natty x


"He's has been talking to her, Alex."

She slams her locker turning sharply around. "Who has?" She asks.

"Conrad to Melody," I answer, "he's telling her not to trust me. She might suspect something."

She takes a step closer to me, wrapping her arms around my torso. She looks up at me. "Don't worry." She reinsures. "She won't suspect anything, Kyle."

I push away from her. "I don't think this will work out, Alex," I say, keeping distance between us.

She raises her eyebrows, shaking her head-and laughing. "What? It's not like you love her," she pauses, waiting for my answer. But I don't have one. I do love Melody-crazily a lot.

"Oh no," she sighs, "you can't be serious. You and Mel? What's going to happen if she finds out?"

She presses her back to her locker, grabbing my arms and pulling me towards her. "She won't," I wipe Alex's hands off me. "I love her, Alex."

She laughs, "no you don't." I clench my jaw. Running a hand through my hair. "If you did you would've known that last week on Tuesday was your one month anniversary."

My eyes widen, as she smirks. "But of course you knew that. You love her."

"Our one month anniversary, was last week Tuesday. That was the eleventh-the day before the carnival." I wonder out loud.

"See? That proves what a horrible boyfriend you are. Even Melody forgot." She tuts.

"Shut up," I resent. I push past her to the cafeteria. But I stop, turn and walk straight at Alex.

"Kyle," she breathes as I close the gap between us.

I keep distance between our mouths. This is my wake up call-I'm not messing this up. "Thank you Alex." I say.

"For what?"

"What ever we have between us is over," I say ignoring her question.


"I missed our first anniversary together! I was fucking cheating on her that exact day. I'm sorry but I'm done." I exclaim. "I'm in love with one girl, and one girl only. And I'm going to win her heart back. I'm not giving her up, and letting her go to Conrad without a fight."

I leave Alex by her locker and start walking to the cafeteria. "It's never going to work for you Kyle," Alex calls out from behind. I stop dead in my tracks turning around. She smirks, "Conrad isn't giving up Mel easily, he wants her, he's wanted her from before you even came."

"Then why didn't he ask her out?" I ask.

"I don't know," she shrugs, "all I know is that he already has her."

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