The Memories Flood Back

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Chapter Thirty Four
The Memories Flood Back

What memories? I know right. Confusing.


"You okay? Your a little quiet." Conrad turns his head looking at me deeply.

"I'm fine." I press my hand to his cheek turning his face back to the road. "Keep your eyes on the road."

I let my hand liger for a second before placing it back in my lap. "Okay okay. So my mum was thinking of letting us try out different containers for the project so she brought a whole bunch of eggs."

I smile and nod. "Great! We can stop by a arts and craft store and pick up a few materials."

"Already done." My jaw drops and I laugh.

"Okay, so you can go to arts store but you can't get your maths homework done?" He shrugs.

"I guess so." He looks at me smiles for a second then looks at the road. But this ones different. It's not one of his flirty, bad boy type of smile. It's genuine, pure. Like two best friends having a laugh.

"We're here." He turns in his driveway and steps out the car. I open the door for myself and step out slamming it behind me.

I follow him to his door, where he unlocks it and steps inside. I close it behind me and he starts walking towards his room. He walks up the stairs and takes a left. I stop.

"Isn't your room on the right?" I say confused. He stops and bites his lower lip.

"Right," he detours to my right.

"Wait, what's in that room?" He stops halfway through a step and quickly walks to me.

"Nothing, I just thought-"

"Conrad, what's in that room?" I press my hands to his chest - ignoring whats underneath - and brush past him and walk to the room.

"Wait! Melody no-" he grabs my hand but I slip from his grip and continue walking.

I push open the door and take a step in. I freeze. My hand lingers on the door knob. My eyes flicker to each aspect in the room.

The walls: posters from my diary, and footballers. The floor: scattered papers around the room of loose papers I recognise from my diary, dirty laundry. His desk: his books. His bed: my diary.

My eyes stay on the book as I walk up to it. I lift my hand slowly from my side. I reach out my hand and run my fingers across the cover of the book. I lift up the bind end of the book and flip through the pages. Memories flood back in my mind.

Images of my first day back replay in my mind. Stella, Alex, Conrad, Kyle. Kyle. A smile appears on my lips. But it changes into a frown when I think of Conrad. Conrad. My used-to-be crush.

"Did it ever occur to you to give it back?" I whisper cradling the book to my chest. I look at Conrad meeting his eyes.

"I didn't think you'd need it anymore." He says. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"It belongs to me, Conrad. Not you. So technically-"

"Can we just forget about this? You got your diary back. Now can we just get back to the real reason we're here?" He shuts the door behind him and steps towards me.

I hug the book closer to my chest as he walks past me and sits on his bed. I sit opposite him dropping my bag to the ground.

He takes out his science textbook and I take out my notebook. "You write the answers as I say and help with the questions."

He doesn't give me a chance to reply. "Hypothesis, what do you think will happen?"


"The more layers covering the egg the less chance the egg will break." I write it down.

"Okay, so we've got all the questions answered." I stay quiet. "Do you want to try out some like things for the egg?"

I continue to look at my notebook. I sigh and shrug. "Sure, whatever."


Right now, all I want to do is be with Kyle.

"Your thinking about Kyle aren't you?" I look up at Conrad and shake my head. He smirks and dumps his books on his desk.

"No, I'm not." I get up and dump my stuff on his bed, but pick up my diary and hold it to my chest. "Just drop me home."

"You know he doesn't really like you." He says bluntly.

"And where did you get that information?" I say pissed off. "If he didn't really like me then why hasn't he broken up with me?"

He walks up to me, towering me. "I'm just saying, if he really loved you wouldn't he be complaining to Mr Gren to switch partners?"

"He trusts me Conrad. He knows I won't do anything..." He raises his eyebrows and plays on a smirk.

"Uh huh. And how did trusting you work out?"

I scoot further away from him but the bed is in the way. I place one hand on the edge of the bed to keep my balance. "He's over that Conrad. I'm over you."

He smirks and places his hand on my cheek. I flinch at his warm hand but he doesn't drop it. "That's the thing Mel. You may be over me but you can't forget me." He slides his thumb over my lips, briefly biting his lip. "I was your first kiss Melody. You can't forget your first kiss can you?"

My mouth parts but no words come out. He smiles. "You'll always have feelings for me Melody. But not kissing me isn't going to help."

He drops his hand still smiling. "Kyle won't be there for you forever. You hardly know him. He hasn't read your diary." He pauses waiting for my reaction. A small suck in of breath is all he gets. He smirks and turns around.

"Kyle may not be there for me but I love him anyways." I say. "I know he loves me.

"When I kissed you he didn't dump me. He gave me a chance because he loves me." I take a short intake of breath. "My feelings for you are gone Conrad. Gone."

He turns around and what he does next wasn't something I was surprised at.

He smashes his lips on mine.


Ahh Conrad strikes again! Lol. But yeah.


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