Is It A Game?

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Chapter Forty
Is It A Game?

(Do you want a visual of the cabin?)


I wake up just when the sun is rising, so I'm guessing it's 6am. Thanks to all the racket they were making outside my room I couldn't sleep.

Groggily, I get up and rub my eyes throwing the blanket off my body. I sit up and stretch the upper part of my body. I pull my arms apart stretching them. I swing my legs over the bed and stand up.

I stumble a few steps but catch myself before I fall face first into the floor. I reach for my toes, giving up because I never can. I reach for hair to tighten its bun but my hairband is gone.

I panic, running to the bed throwing the sheets onto the floor. It's gone, and I only packed one. I mentally slap myself for tying my hair before I went to bed.

I throw the sheets back onto the bed, then neatly folding it. I try my best to tie my hair up with my hair itself but I falls apart the moment I release my fingers.

Taking my toiletry bag, I step outside the room. My fingers release the door knob barely release the knob as I make a beeline to the bathroom. The door opens quietly and I step inside slamming the door behind me. I walk up towards the mirror gazing at my messy hair and messed up face.

I wash my face, brush my teeth and comb out all the tangles out of my hair. I take out my brush, running it through my hair.

I pack away everything back in my toiletry bag and step out of the bathroom. Surprisingly no ones there.

"Hello?" I call out, silence replies. I walk back to my room and throw the toiletry bag in my carrier bag. I take out my clothes. I pick a casual pair of jean shorts and a plain blue crop top.

I make sure I lock the bedroom door in case one of them decide to come back to 'wake' me up. I walk towards my bed to find a note attached to a garment of some sort.

Hey Mel,
We're all down by the lake so just get ready once your finished getting ready and come down. Make sure you wear the bikini! - Tal :)
P.S. Make sure you wake up Conrad in his room.

I look at the bikini in my hand and groan. Does she seriously want me to wear this? It's Aqua marine with little blue designs on both pieces. I strip off my clothes throwing them back in my bag then put on the bikini and then my cover-clothes.

It fits so that's a good thing. But now I have to wake up Conrad. I scrunch up the note throwing it in the bin before I walk towards Conrad's room.

I knock on the door but no one answers. I knock louder, still no reply. I press my ear against the door. I hear a few faint snores coming from the other side. I hold in the giggles and gently open the door.

He's not boyfriend material.

A whiff of his scent bursts through the air the moment I open the door. Cinnamon and honey. I bite my lower lip as I inch closer to him. His head is turned to the side facing me, as well as his body.

I reach out my hand and Tap his shoulder. He stays still. This guy is such a heavy sleeper. My hand trails up his shoulder to his neck then his cheek. I lift up my first two fingers and tap up and down, mumbling wake up again and again. He shoves me off flipping to his back.

Promise me something.

I jump back. Staring at him in wonder. If only I had my phone. I walk right up close and look at his sleeping face.

"Wake up Conrad." He doesn't move, he continues to snore away, his breathing even. I sit on the edge of his bed, my eyes trailing up his body then flickering from his chest to his face.

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