New Orleans

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Here's the first chapter of this book. I love all the support you have all shown me but I could not be more grateful. Thank you and join me on this adventure with Sofia Gilbert.

Later that night


"Let her go!"

"It's too late."

"I will kill you!"

"Do that I will make sure she dies here and now. We're only keeping her alive out of the kindness of our hearts."

"You let her go now!"

"We can keep them both alive."

"I don't care about the other. I only care about her."

"You'll reconsider."

"You do not have power over me witch!"

"But she does and if you want her alive you will do what we say."

Earlier that day

"Welcome to New Orleans love." Klaus stretches his arms out and I'm in awe. This city is every beautiful as it is dark. I can feel the immense power radiating from this city the moment we entered the New Orleans city limit.

"It's beautiful."

"I wish to romance you like you deserve Sofia but I have to attend to some business first."

"Why are you so worried about this one witch?"

"Because anyone who is trying to go after me will eventually go after you." He stands in front of me with worry on his face.

"Wow, you are paranoid."

"I like to think of it as cautious." He holds out his arm and I loop mine into his. "Let me give you a brief tour of my city."

I've never seen so many people in one area. Mystic Falls is so small and I never ventured away from my hometown. New Orleans is a shock to my system. "Welcome to the dark side of New Orleans. A supernatural playground where the living is easily lost...and the dead stick around to play." A tour guide walks by us and I can't help but smirk at the truth behind his monologue. New Orleans has tons of street vendors with their stands. Some are selling are but the one that catches Klaus' eye is one woman who looks uneasy as we approach her. She even tries packing up just as we come to stand in front of her table.

Even though Klaus can see she is wanting to leave he takes one seat while I take the other. "Good afternoon. Time for one more?" He holds out his hand and smirks.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Oh, now that's not very amiable, is it? You don't even know me."
"I know what you are. Half-vampire, half-beast. You're the hybrid."

"I'm the Original hybrid, actually. But that's a long story for another time. I'm looking for someone, a witch. Perhaps you might be able to help me and my lovely companion find her. Jane-Anne Deveraux." Her eyes widen at the name letting us know she knows who we're asking for.

"Sorry, I don't know."

"Well, now that's a fib, isn't it?" Klaus scoots forward making her fearful of what he might do. "I know that you're a true witch amongst this sea of poseurs. So enough with the fabrications. I've quite the temper."

"Klaus." I warn him and he just keeps smiling. She removes her hand from his.

"Witches don't talk out of school in the Quarter. The vampire won't allow it. Those are the rules. I don't break Marcel's rules." Both Klaus and I stiffen hearing the name. On the long drive down Klaus briefly explained his history with the city and it did revolve around the young boy he raised and loved as a son. His name was Marcellus and Klaus thought for over a century he was dead at the hands of his father.

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