Possession and Kidnapping

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Which family would you want to be apart of? Salvatore, Forbes, Bennet, Gilbert, Petrova, Mikaelson, Parker, or Donovan.

It wasn't long after Hope came to us feeling bad that we received a phone call from Hayley with a possible solution. I didn't think I would see the compound where Hope grew up ever. It feels eerie being back in our run-down home, but it will all be worth it if Vincent can cure Hope. Klaus carries Henry as I hold Hope in my arms. "Our home. Once the pride of our family now a flophouse."

"Indeed, the mighty have fallen." Elijah adds.

"Where's Vincent?" I ask with concern.

"Right here." I breathe a sigh of relief as he comes out of the shadows. "Kept my word." I place Hope down. "Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kid, you got the leave the city." He orders us but all I can see is my daughter looking pale and unwell.

"Well, we're not gonna stay, are we?" Klaus snaps at him as Henry snuggles into the crook of his neck. "Your city has lost its charm."

"What he means to say is that we're grateful, just...help her and we'll leave." I assure Vincent never letting go of my daughter's hand.

"Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily." Elijah stands up and faces Vincent.

"Excuse me." Vincent begins to do his work and I hold my breath the whole time.

"Mom." I rush to Hope's side.

"That's it. Your little girl's purified."

"Thank you." I say through tears in my eyes as I cradle my daughter in my arms.

"Thank you." Klaus says which surprises me.

"Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city." Vincent leaves without another word.

"Go say hi to daddy." I usher Hope to walk over to Klaus but we all stop as dead birds fall from the sky surrounding her. I grab my daughter fearing it's her magic working up but nothing happens.

"What is this?" Klaus asks Vincent who I didn't realize never left.

"I don't know."

"Mom?" Hope states softly. "Can you hear that? It's...whispers. Saying a name. over and over. Kre Nah Han..."

"Vincent, what...what is that?" I ask him.

"It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means the Hollow. The Hollow is coming.

"Sofia." Hayley calls out my name. "Look." I look around and notice the birds are forming a shape that is not a circle, but it's something else. I knew it was too good to be true that this family could be normal and happy for long.

Hope is out asleep as Henry plays in the foyer. "How is she?" Elijah asks Hayley who is coming down from checking on her. Klaus is busy picking up the dead birds from the compound.

"Uh, the fevers back. But she's not in any pain. She's asking for you." Hayley looks to Klaus.

"Well, make an excuse."

"NIK!" I yell at him.

"I'd rather our daughter not know I've gone off to murder witches." Klaus goes to leave but I stop him and he grunts against my magic.

"You will not such thing." I order him.

"Your wife is right Niklaus. We cannot be reckless." Elijah tries to calm his brother.

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