It's Just Getting Started

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So much drama to come get ready!!!

I made it to the compound while Hayley and Elijah stayed to ensure Marcel made it out of his initiation alive. Klaus meets me at the door furious. "What the hell were you doing there?" He asks me.

"Hello, it's nice to see you too." I push past him.

"Why were you with that imbecile?"

"He wanted to dance and I wanted to make something very clear to him. I do not nor will I trust anything he says."

"And you had to do that while looking like this?" He motions to my dress.

"I can go out and look nice Klaus. I wanted to wear something that made me feel good and this dress did that."

"You willingly danced with someone who I..." I silence Nik with a searing kiss. I deepen it hearing him moan and growl all at the same time. I push him to the wall feeling his muscles under his jacket. "I only wanted to impress you with this." Klaus places his hands on my ass and hoisted me up on the desk so I can wrap my legs around him bringing him closer. I rest my forehead on his. "Nik I only love you. No one else."

"I just want you safe."

"I can take care of myself even while pregnant. There is no need to worry."

"I will always worry about you Sofia Gilbert."

"And I will always look out for you and our family. Tristan and his Strix are planning something and I don't like it."

"I know they recruited Marcellus. To use against me since he is family and friend and possibly now foe."

"You worry Marcel will be the undoing of this family?" I ask.

"There are little who we can trust in this city. That prophecy has us all on edge."

"Well stop turning on each other and we're all good."

"So optimistic Sofia. There is..."

"You are spending more time with Lucien who you do not trust because you think he will share something with you. But he will not. Lucien has his own agenda and we haven't figured out what it is and...I'm worried we will be too late."

"Do not worry Sofia. We will make this work."

"Always and forever." Klaus kisses my cheek.

Marcel struggled his way into the compound with a werewolf bite. Klaus is pissed that Marcel would join The Strix feeling that it is going against him while I tend to siphon the bite away to heal him. "I bet they were all so impressed. Weren't they hmm? Your new mates."

"Nik this process is already hard." I tell him showing me trying to heal Marcel.

"Positively taken by your boldness." Klaus ignores me as he continues on and even pours himself a drink. "Your cunning wit and your steely resolve, and you just assumed that I would be willing, eager even, to drain the blood from my veins in the aftermath."

"Nik, he's in pain right now."

"We cannot tell friend from foe and what are you doing? You're pledging a fraternity, run by those conspiring against us."

"His interest in The Strix is because of you." I say getting annoyed with Klaus and his insistent yelling.

"What did you say?" Klaus asks me pissed. Marcel stands in front of me facing Klaus.

"I don't get to choose sides. Whoever comes for you comes for me. That's all I need to know."

"She's awake." Freya walks in informing us of Alexis' current state after being rescued from the house of The Strix. Klaus nods his head and comes over to Marcel.

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