The Armory

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Enjoy this update. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Caroline told you to go to where?" Hayley is checking in on us through our burner phones. Making sure there was no physical trace for someone to find us.

"Someplace called the Amory. Like always there is something happening in Mystic Falls and she's staying there with her girls for the time being."

"Well be safe. Please let me know that you made it safely."

"Will do. Please keep me posted on the last member of the pack."


Finally, I pull up to some old giant building that I've never seen in my life outside of town. But then again nothing is new in Mystic Falls just depends on who knows about it or not. "Okay, babies lets go." I grab our bags and have them follow behind me as we knock on the door.

"Mommy no is answering." Henry states and he goes to knock on the door but does it a little too aggressive.

"Mama he's going to break it." Hope whines to me.

"He's fine baby." I place my hand on the door and chant opening the lock and step inside.

"And I am sorry." I hear Alaric's voice. "But I'm not the only one keeping secrets here. I mean what's up with the flower girl dresses in the box here, anyway?"

"Stefan and I...are having some issues. I don't know what's gonna happen. So I didn't want to be surrounded by all my wedding stuff."

"I'm really sorry to hear that. Why don't we just call someone? I mean we're not equipped to handle this."

"You could always call me." I state announcing our presence. They stand up straight and look down shocked to see me. "Here like I said I would be." I smile as Care runs down to greet me.

"I'm so happy that you're here."

"It was a long drive but worth it."

"Sofia?" Ric is shocked most of all to see me.

"I asked Care not to tell anyone I was coming in until I was here because..." I motion to my children.

"I'm Henwy." Henry introduces himself. Hope just moves closer to me for comfort.

"This is Hope." I introduce my children.

"This is wonderful welcome to..." Ric looks around kind of embarrassed by the home they're living in as it's not suitable for children.

"Yeah, The Armory? Should have just shacked up in a knife factory." I joke with him and he smiles.

"It's wonderful to have you here Sofia. It's been far too long." We don't even get to hug before the door opens and we turn seeing Stefan and Damon hauling in what is deceiving me as Kai freaking dick Parker.

"Sorry, this place had the nearest holding cell. Little help?" Damon doesn't notice me at first but when he does he's shocked. I know it's because it's been so long since Elena has been put to sleep and for a split second we look so much alike. "When did you get here?" He asks.

"Kids uncle Alaric is going to show you to your rooms while mommy helps some friends."

"I can help." Henry offers.

"I know you can but there will be something more fun for you to do." I kiss my kids and look to Ric.

"Yeah, let me show you where the girls are and you all can play. I even have snacks." Ric takes my children and I turn to Damon and Stefan who is bleeding from his hand.

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