Baby Showers

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I love this chapter. It shows the love and family that surrounds Klaus and Sofia. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Slow down. Explain this again." I'm pacing around Hope's room in Hayley and Jackson's apartment.

"Okay, well you were there when Jo was killed and...magic made her babies she was having with Rick jump into my body and now..."

"You're having our ex-high school history teacher/ vampire hunter/ my ex guardian's twins. I see nothing weird about that."

"What? How could you not see..."

"I'm pregnant Care." I have to cover my ears as Caroline calls for Bonnie and I light up seeing them both over a video call. I've missed my friends so much.

"Okay spill. How. When...are we, pregnant buddies?"

"Caroline." Bonnie scolds her. "But seriously how are you pregnant I thought you were..."

"Well Klaus is the Original Hybrid and there's always loopholes with him and I'm this weird Siphoner witch that everyone fears and...I have no explanation for it." I head to a mirror and show them my growing baby bump.

"When are you due?"

"It's hard to say."

"Sofia Gilbert how do you not know..."

"Care." I cut her off. "My pregnancy is far from normal. In fact, what we've discovered my pregnancy is occurring twice as long as a typical pregnancy."

"Seriously? Gross." Bonnie comments. I miss my friends so much.

"I've been pregnant for 6 months and just now barely showing."

"OH MY GOD!!!" Caroline screams into the phone.

"Care, I have a child trying to sleep."

"I know I have the best idea."


"We should have a joint baby shower."

"Care I..."

"Come on. I haven't seen you in forever and this is something we should experience with each other. can give Rick tips on how to be a parent and if Klaus can learn so can Rick."

"I don't know. There's so much going n here in New Orleans and..."

"Klaus can spare you for a day or however long I decide to keep you." Caroline is determined to get me home as much as possible.

"Are you sure it's even safe to come back? Didn't Damon and Stefan's mom have those gang of Heretics who have no regard for anyone?"

"Yeah, but we're handling them and...please come back and let's celebrate these babies together."

"I have no certainty if I will but...I will try my best."

"It will be wonderful to see you Sof." Bonnie smiles at me and I begin to cry. Their attention is drawn to Hope laughing in her play pin.

"Aww is that Hope!!!" Caroline is practically all up in my camera looking for her. I open my arms and Hope runs into them.

"Hope these are you aunts Caroline and Bonnie." I help Hope wave at them and they have tears in their eyes.

"She is so beautiful." Bonnie states as she tries to control herself.

"You have to bring her." Caroline says.

"I don't..."

"I've been dying to meet her and...please..."

"I'll let you know Care. I have a lot of things to take care of here and then I'll..."

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