Heavy Heart

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Happy New Year everyone!!! i hope you all have a wonderful 2020.

"SOFIA!" Klaus bellows my name through the compound.

"I'm in the nursery." I shout as I figure out which color I wanted the room to be painted.

"I..." Klaus is rarely lost for words. "There has been an issue."

"What? Nik what is going on?" He's silent and that makes my heart drop into my stomach.

"Lucien he...he bit Cami."

"That little...I'll kill him!"

"My love whatever torment you wish to impose on him I am glad to be in attendance but...Cami needs your help."

Cami just like Finn is already looking weak due to the altered bite of Lucien's monstrous state. We had no solution for Finn and we are nowhere closer to one with Cami. "Cami?" Hayley keeps calling her name but she can't seem to focus on her voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Cami responds weakly. "Considering." I walk over with the remedy Freya made for her.

"Here hold still." Klaus orders her as he comes to help. "This is going to burn." He places the rag with the medicine on Cami's wrist and she winces in pain.

"What is that?" She demands as she takes her hand back.

"It's a healing salve motherwort, white willow bark. The recipe is over 1,000 years old." Freya explains

"So the good stuff?"

"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms. But it won't stop the infection." I inform Cami as I take a seat next to her. I wish I could siphon away all of this but being pregnant it's too much of a risk for me to place myself and my baby in danger.

"So I'm screwed." Cami remarks.

"We're doing everything that we can, Cami." Hayley reassures us.

"To that end, a little assistance." I state as Elijah brings in Vincent who is trying to process all of this.

"Cami, I'm so sorry." He says to his fellow friend.

"You should be."


"This is all your fault." Klaus continues to blame Vincent. Before any of us could stop him he's up and in Vincent's face. "It was you who turned Lucien into a beast..." I stand in front of him and he stops as my belly keeps him from moving.

"Klaus, stop. It's not his fault." Cami reminds him.

"Cami's right. We all need to work together to fix this." Hayley speaks up as I continue to calm Klaus.

"Yeah, I know how to fix it. Lucien has always been obsessed with me. He made himself like me. And my bite is cured by my blood." Klaus explains.

"Do you think his blood can save her?"

"It makes sense that Lucien would want that power." Elijah jumps in.

"Allowing him to lord himself over his victims."

"So we got this working theory, now we got to test it."

"Lucien's blood is all over my apartment. I sliced him all to hell before I ran." Cami explains to us.

"Okay, I got this. Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me." Vincent heads out to fetch Lucien's blood.

"Maybe we hedge our bets." Hayley speaks up. "Hope is a Mikaelson witch who carries the wolf gene. We already know that she has healing powers."

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