Fighting a Beast

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Enjoy this long chapter. I rewatched The Originals and I have so many plans. They will make you laugh, feel joy, and sadness. Stay tuned to find out more of Sofia and Klaus' story.

"Now if Niklaus or his wonderful choice in a fiancé Sofia don't get here in time he might die, with a bit of luck." Freya waste's no time to slap her brother for saying such cold things. Kol bares his fangs.

" What is wrong with you?'

"Behave yourselves!" Elijah tries to control his siblings but that is easier said than done. "Both of you."

"Sibling squabbling. How familiar. Although the teams seem to have changed. Someone care to tell me why?" Klaus walks in holing Sofia's hand.

"Our brother needs help." Klaus feeds his brother his blood.

"Thank you, brother." Finn is able to mutter as he tries to fight through the pain.

"How are you feeling?" Freya is concerned for her brother she's the closest to.

"I feel strangely euphoric."

"I've been known to have that effect." Klaus jokes which results in me hitting him.

"What a precious family moment. Pardon me while I go and gouge out my eyes with a hot poker." Kol is still pissed at Finn for killing him when he was a witch at the very orders of their mother.

"I thank even you, Kol. Your little witch actually came through. Today...I saw a glimpse of your coveted always and forever. And..." Finn immediately sits up and begins to throw up the blood.

"Finn! Finn!" The siblings all try to restrain him as he convulses.

"What is happening to him?"

"His body, it's dying." Freya states.

"No, not it's not possible. I cured him."

"Hey, hey. It's gonna be all right brother. Sofia?" Freya looks to me and I step forward

"NO!" Klaus shouts.

"Your brother is dying."

"The last time you tried to siphon magic you throw up blood of your own. You had a reaction to the magic."

"Would you just like to me to let him die if there's something I could do about it?"

"Sofia this is you and our child's lives on the line!"

"He's your brother!"

"Sofia please do something." Freya begs and I feel like I have no choice. I go to step forward and siphon from Finn but an invisible boundary keeps me from approaching him. "What's happening?" Freya demands.

"I..." I place my hand forward and show I can't get close to Finn. "It's like our son doesn't want me to siphon the mark from Finn."

"Well fight him!"

"I can't he..."

"Get me my pendant!" Freya orders to Elijah.

"It won't work." Kol states. "Davina fused his soul to this body."

"We've got to try. There's no Other Side, no ancestral well if he dies."

"No, get your bloody girlfriend back here to undo what she's done. Finn, you will drink from the source until Freya can move you."

"No, don't leave me." Finn says barely more than a whisper.

"Brother..." Freya is heartbroken seeing the brother she's known since she was young.

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