Bite from a Monster

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This chapter was so much fun to write. Please enjoy and let me know what you think.

I continue to play a lullaby for Hope and my son as the commotion downstairs increases. The Mikaelson's have returned and I have nothing to say to them. I love them yes with all of my heart but right now I'm so pissed at them. They are so wrapped up in preserving their family that everyone around them suffers and I can't take it. They love hard and fight harder but to what extent?

"Sofia?" I hear Klaus call to me. I don't even answer him I just kept playing for a sweet tune for my children. "Darling please talk to me." He begs I can tell he's been through a lot and from what I gathered they were able to kill Lucien because Freya used the magic she stole when sacrificing Davina to the answers to take his newfound powers away.

"Come to tell me you're sorry my friend is gone." I say without any emotion in my voice.

"Freya had to do what she did to save our family. She..."

"You didn't want to talk this out and ask what we thought." I try controlling myself but the pregnancy hormones are coming full throttle right now.

"My love we did everything we could..."

"Freya put me behind a magical barrier as she shucked the magic from my friend and allowed her to suffer at the hands of the Ancestors!"

"She did what she had to do to protect our family. Our children!"

"Davina was our family!" I yell back and I feel horrible as it wakes Hope. I pick up my daughter and soothe her. "When will we start to treat those we call family as such? Marcel sacrificed everything for us and we just took someone away that he cared for like it was nothing."

"He will get over it."

"He shouldn't have to! We would never get over it. Hell, the Mikaelson's are the biggest perpetrators of revenge and yet you tell Marcel. Who you raised as your son to get over losing someone he loved with all his heart."

"What can I tell you Sofia. I'm sorry for what happened."

"Tell that to Davina who is being tortured by the Ancestors. She deserved better. Our children deserve better."

"And they will. We got rid of Lucien."

"And what about your other enemies who still want you dead?" I ask and he looks at our daughter with regret in his eyes. "They will never be safe."

"And are you blaming me?" He seems hurt and I step closer letting Hope rest her head on his chest and I take his hand to place it on my belly.

"I'm asking you to think about your actions. They do not only affect you but everyone who is connected to you."

"I'm sorry about your friend. You are right she deserved more." Klaus leans down and places a kiss on Hope's head. "I will do everything in my power to give our children the best life possible."

"Seeking some respite from the darkness?" Hearing Freya's voice pisses me off knowing what she did to Davina.

"Sofia..." Klaus cautions me and I just keep holding my daughter.

"You're lucky my child is here or I would be choking you." I fire at Freya who nods her head understanding.

"I know nothing I can say will make anything that I did okay to you."

"And yet here you are."

"We avenged Cami today." She says like Davina's life is supposed to be okay because it was in the name of Cami.

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