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"Thank you, for giving me such a beautiful life." I exclaim to Klaus as we slowly dance with Hope in our arms.

"I will give the world if it means I can have you forever. My love."

"You know now that we've told everyone we're engaged they will be expecting a wedding."

"And a wedding they will get." Klaus doesn't seem to understand what he's asking for.

"You know as much as Caroline and Rebekah disliked each other they know how to throw parties. They will both want to control our wedding and make things over the top and..."

"As long as you'll be happy that is all that matters."

"Well, I would like to get married once I have our baby." Klaus looks down lovingly at my bump.

"You are a gorgeous sight."

"You're just saying that because you got lucky this week." I tease him.

"Darling I'm lucky every day I get to tell you I love you."

"Ma!" Hope cries out and I look to Klaus.

"She's wanting us to put her to bed." 

"Then let's do that." Klaus and I place our daughter down and watch with love as she falls fast asleep.

"I could watch her like this forever." I can't help but love our daughter. "How will we handle it when there's two of them?"

"Together we can do anything."

"We need to think of names." I state to Klaus.

"Well for our next princess I love the na..."

"You still think it's a girl?"

"Of course. A father can never have too many princesses to spoil."

"Well, I think it's a boy."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Mother's intuition." Everything was going well until both of our noses were filled with the strong smell of blood. We both rush to the source and to our horror Cami is laying in her bed covered in her own blood with her throat slit.

"KLAUS!!!" I call out as I race to my friend. I cradle her in my arms.

"How..." I check for a pulse and don't find one. I bite into my wrist but nothing.

"She..." I jump as Cami gasps awake.

It was a long night of monitoring Cami after she came back from the dead in full transition. She won't stop shaking as we finally get her to sit up straight on her bed. She doesn't know what's going on and Klaus keeps wanting to push her for information but I stop him. She needs time to process what is happening and then we can figure out who gave her vampire blood and why her throat was slit. "Tell us what happened?" Klaus asks as she's finally able to speak.

"Aurora." Cami states.

"The moment he and Sofia are at their happiest. The moment when you know everything is going right for them. That they are so madly in love with each other that nothing can ruin it. You will do something for me. You will drink this blood of mine, and then you will slit your own throat, and bleed out silently. You will want to cry out. But you will not make a sound."

"She did this to me." Cami whispers before she starts to cry. "I died. I'm dead." I know what she going through. When I woke in the hospital understanding that I had died with vampire blood in my system I freaked out. Almost harmed Damon in the process. This isn't something that Cami will handle easily and nor should she be expected to.

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