Breaking Sire Bonds

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I loved this chapter and I hope you all do too. I have so many conflicting ideas for how I will play this story out.

I'm trying everything to keep calm as more of our lives crumble around us. Our baby is making me feel sick every day but I have to fight through in order to see my family make it out of this shit show alive and well. "You daggered Rebekah and you're just telling me now." Freya is pissed at Elijah just casually sharing information on Rebekah like it was nothing.

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us and to protect her. I told Niklaus and I'm telling you. No one would've known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life."

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family. That leaves friend and foe." Freya reminds him.

"She's right and by knowing you guys for a while you have no short of foes."

"Just one or two." Elijah jokes and I throw a book at his face which he easily catches.

"Thankfully not many friends."

"Freya." Klaus' voice echos through the library. "This is Stefan Salvatore an old friend." Freya is shooting daggers at him. "One of my trickle-down sire lings. Long story. Stefan this is Freya, my brand new older sister, also a long story." Klaus introduces Stefan like it's no big deal he's here. Klaus pats his back. "Stefan needs a favor."

"You're an old friend, are you?" Freya is ready to kill Stefan.

"Well, that kind of depends on your definition."

"I like to define Stefan as my twin sister's ex-love of her life before she moved on to dating his older brother and my ex-boyfriend. Klaus made him turn his humanity off for a while and he was his little bitch for a long time." Stefan tenses as I remind him of his dark past. "And the best part is him and my sister were these ancient doppelgangers who everyone wanted to sacrifice for power and now he's in love with my best friend who is pregnant with magical twins. But that's a long story."

"Well.." Stefan clears his throat. "Thanks for the introduction Sofia."

"Any time old...friend." I smile at him and Klaus is loving this.

Stefan's POV

"So, um, just full disclosure. I dated your sister once." Freya smirks as she continues to examine my mark.

"While that seems like a great story, let's get back to your wound. A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword. Klaus killed her, but surprise, surprise..."

"She regenerates."

"And won't rest until you're dead."

"Right, so no matter how far I run, this wound acts as a beacon, drawing her to me. So I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week." Freya applies some paste to my mark.

"If Sofia wasn't pregnant she would siphon the magic from the mark but this past won't heal it but it will mask its signal. Rayna Cruz won't know how to find you. Just let that dry and you'll be on your way."

"You know, not that I was expecting a parade or anything. But why is everyone so eager for me to go?"

"What's troubling the Mikaelson's? Let's see, well. There's Elijah's super-secret society of ancient vampires. One of their more zealous members an old flame of Elijah's is trying to under my mother's most powerful spell. And Sofia is finally pregnant but there is danger around her everywhere she looks. Klaus' crazy ex wants her dead and she can't siphon without causing serious damage to her and the baby."

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