Betrayal at Its Finest

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Did you like Dahlia?

"She found us Nik! She came and proclaimed Hope as her own!"

"Sofia, calm down..."

"Do not tell me to calm down! That bitch is here and she's coming for our daughter tomorrow night."

"And we will stop her." He tries to reassure me.

"And with what weapon? The one you made was destroyed because you went after alone!"

"She will not get the best of me."

"I need more than your word to feel secure. I...I've never felt such anger for one individual but...she is placing Hope in harms and I would gladly kill millions if it means keeping her safe." Klaus rushes forward and holds my face in his hands.

"And let's bathe this world in blood so that our child may be free."

"I'll settle for Dahlia's head."

"Let's make that happen my love." Klaus kisses me and I'm filled with Dahlia's words. Why risk the lives of many when I have another to replace Hope? Do I believe her lies and worry everyone or will I share the news and be treated like I cannot do anything but lift a finger. We hear a commotion from downstairs which is Elijah and Hayley arguing.

"Of course I tried to call you, Elijah. But since Dahlia was able to take down Klaus and Mikael...I'm guessing a cell phone tower was a piece of cake."

"Where was the guard wolves?"

"Getting their asses handed to them by Dahlia like Klaus did."

"That's it. You're coming with me to the compound." Klaus orders and I roll my eyes at his insistence of making everyone do what he says without question.

"Where Dahlia sent Josephine this morning." Hayley fires back at him. "No way, we'd be sitting ducks just like we will be soon as the spell breaks. Which is why we have to go."


"No Sofia! Hope is in danger more than ever and staying here does nothing for her. She deserves a better life."

"Not one that you and Jackson will provide for her. You are not her parents."

"But we love her like our own." I get in Hayley's face fuming as I was when Dahlia paid us a visit.

"She is going nowhere but with us!"

"Even if it costs her life?" I slap Hayley not being able to take it anymore. Elijah and her look stunned and Klaus is amused.

"Jackson is out getting supplies. We're taking the wolves and we're headed to the Bayou and I beg no I plead with you Sofia you think of what is best for Hope."

"All I do is think about what is best for Hope! She is all I think about!"

"The swamp you would have our daughter be protected by the very wolves Dahlia so easily defeated. Absolutely not and like Sofia reminded you, Hope is ours, not yours to worry for."

"Hayley you will be giving Dahlia exactly what she wants. Us divided."

"And you will be giving her Hope."

"You think so little of us that we would not protect her?"

"You saw the power she had."

"And you saw make her bleed! She is not invisible! I can kill her."

"At what cost?"

"Whatever it takes."

"While you two have been kowtowing to Freya...and devising ways to flee with your tail between your legs...I've been forging a new path. I know what Freya was planning."

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