Nothing is Permanent

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Getting ready for season 2 of The Originals!!!!!

I can't stop pacing around in Damon's room as we await everyone to arrive to say their goodbyes to Elena. I have these heightened emotions that I can't make sense of. I'm happy one moment and then the next I'm angry at the world and then followed by sadness. There is no relief and the constant fear of what my magic can do with being out of control weighs heavy on me. "Sofia you have to come out and say hi to everyone." Stefan comes in. he feels extremely guilty for being the one to feed me blood.

"I can't decide how I feel right now. I..."

"It's part of being a new vampire. You're going to get the hang of it."

"I don't want to kill people and shut my humanity off because I can't handle things. I...I don't know how I'm going to handle all of this."

"You're Sofia Gilbert, you're the most badass person I've known in all my life." I laugh at his comment.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Nah, I've spent time lying but this is the truth. You have to believe that you can do it. I'm sorry once again becoming what we are wasn't a choice for you. Just like it wasn't a choice for Elena." He hangs his head low.

"Lenny always wanted to become human again and thanks to Bonnie she will have that opportunity."

"You don't have to leave. Stay here and we will teach you how to handle everything." He offers.

"I don't think Klaus would like that very much." I smile and he laughs.

"You're right he might go on a killing spree if we keep you here too long."

"It was nice being home for a little bit and feeling normal but...our lives have never been normal. I will have all the support I will need back in New Orleans, but I will always cherish this." I say looking around the boarding house.

"Just by the way can you just mention to Klaus again that we had nothing to do with killing you."

"What worried he'll come after you if he thinks you killed me?" I joke with him.

"Something like that."

"Trust me he's focused on other things. And it's not your fault Stefan."

"I keep feeling like it is." I take his hand in mine.

"I had fully come to grip with to be with Klaus I would need to turn. I hadn't thought of when but I knew it was coming. I wish it had happened in a less traumatic way but I'm grateful for the hard decision being out of my hand."

"I don't know what I can offer you for losing your baby, but know things won't always be hard."

"How do you know?"

"I may not have been around as long as Klaus and his family. But I know better than most that with every darkness there comes to light and with everything you've been through you need happiness."

"And what happiness will you get?"

"I don't know but I'm willing to find out." I bring Stefan into a giant hug.

"I may not have liked you in the beginning and blamed you for the evil that came into our lives but thank you for everything you have done for my sister. No prophecy can take away the love you have for her. Now it's your turn to find another love worth fighting through life with." I kiss his cheek and we head into the parlor together. Everyone is gathered around Elena's coffin each taking their goodbyes. I never get used to seeing coffins they seem to become a normal part of my life. No matter how much I wish I never saw another one.

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