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Elena's POV

Having Damon dump me after everything we've been through to be together is heartbreaking. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days in bed. All I can do is focus on my clock ticking and wondering when I will wake up from this nightmare. "Okay, time to wake up sleepy head." Caroline's overly perky voice says.

"No! I'm not leaving this bed." I call out not even turning over.

"Which is why we brought breakfast to you." Bonnie says just as Caroline rips the sheets off me. I turn over annoyed but a smile graces my face when I see the breakfast tray they have prepared.

"What is this?"

"This is your breakup breakfast!"

"My what?"

"So that's it? You're giving up?" Bonnie asks me as Caroline makes us all mimosas.

"As she should! I mean he did say, and I quote I am a bad person. I am bad for you. And I am choosing to let you go."

"You memorized my breakup?"

"Of course I did. Drink this." Caroline hands me the drink and down it without a second thought.

"I just have to face reality. If Damon makes up his mind about something, it's done."

"Are you sure you don't want us to call Sofia?" Bonnie asks. I shake my head.

"She's already going through so much. I don't want to drag her into this and...I can handle a break up alone."

"But you're not alone. I know Sofia would be here in a second if you wanted her to. "

"Care you know what she is going through in New Orleans with Klaus. The last thing she needs is me crying to her about her ex dumping me."

"She's your sister Elena. She would do it if you needed her." My phone rings and we all turn our attention to it. I hope it's Damon for a second.

"It's Stefan." Caroline tells me.

"Tell him I don't feel like talking."

Sofia's POV

I didn't give Klaus any warning as I pack a bag and head out. "Where do you think you're going?" He calls after me.

"None of your concern." I walk past him but he spends in front of me.

"You can't still be mad at me Sofia."

"I'm not mad."

"Then why are you running away?"

"I need to get out of this town. I'm suffocating from it."

"And where will you go?"

"I'm going home, Klaus."

"This is your home." He motions to the compound he calls home.

"This is your home. I'm merely a visitor."

"Please stay."

"I will come back Nik, I just need to find myself again."

"Why leave me at all?" I reach for and hold his face in my hands.

"I love you Klaus Mikaelson. Never doubt that." I kiss his cheek and he releases my bag allowing me to leave.

"Take my car, my love. And all the time you need." He tosses me his keys and I take it.

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