Not Gone Forever

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Thank you for all the support you have given me in my journey. I never thought I would make it this far. Please enjoy the last chapter of Always and Forever.

"Sofia!" Hayley calls after me and slams me into a wall.

"Get off me. I have to find her."

"And what will you do when you do?"

"I will bring her home. She needs to be safe from harm. I ..."

"Let me help her. Let me help you."

"It was supposed to be. The Hollow was never supposed to inhabit anyone else. It was just supposed to be me."

"You don't have to do this alone." I nod my head and we head into town looking for Hope.

"HOPE!" I scream seeing my daughter standing with all of The Hollow's acolytes behind her. People are running for cover as fire is burning everywhere. I stop running to look at my daughter. "Angel I know you can hear me. I need you to fight her." I plead with her.

"Please Hope fight." Hayley begs and Hope just smirks at us.

"You think you can stop me?"

"You're not going to take her!" I declare and Hope immediately snaps Hayley's neck knocking her out cold. "You're not taking my daughter!" I raise my hand and begin fighting against The Hollow.

"You wouldn't dare hurt me!" Hope fires back at me.

"Please angel fight her." I beg and Hope shakes her head.

"You should have never double-crossed me."

"I will get my daughter back." I begin chanting forcing the acolytes behind her. She eyes me and I feel this sickness in my chest.

"Hit me with everything you got!" I raise my hand and so does Hope. We're fighting each other off neither faltering in our power. "Is that all you got? I thought you would put up more of a fight?"

"Don't make me do this." I say with tears streaming down my face. I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted it to come to this and here I am. I look at Hope and for a brief second she looks like my daughter and that's all she needed. Hope thrusts her hand forward and sends me flying. I scream before I knock into a building hearing my neck snap.

I moan rubbing my neck. I slowly open my eyes and notice I'm lying on a couch and not the streets of New Orleans. "Your both okay." I hold my head as I lay eyes on Vincent. I turn to notice Hayley stirring awake next to me. "Your both alright. Some witches um, they found you two on the streets, they called me and I brought you both here. You're both fine..."

"I have to go back." I immediately stand feeling a little wobbly. "I have to get that bitch out of Hope." I exclaim.

"That's what I'm trying to do Sofia." Vincent interrupts me.

"You're the one who took The Hollow out of me! I was ready to die!"

"And I know that but you have so much to live for Sofia. It would be cruel to have let you go through with that plan. Your family was right in trying to find another solution that involved you being alive."

"And now my daughter is in danger!" Hayley places her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm shoring up my power for the ritual."

"What damn ritual?" I ask him.

"The ritual that we need to talk about." Vincent is precise about what the plan has to be. I'm trying to process it all but it's all too much.

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