Blissful Happiness

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I loved writing this chapter. Last one of season 2 of The Originals!!!! I have so many plans for season 3!!!!!

I locate Dahlia easily since Davina was tricked into bringing Esther back instead of Kol. I have to put her heartbreak to the back of my mind as I ready myself to kill the witch who has been coming for my child. "Isn't there a saying about stones and glass houses?" Klaus interrupts Dahlia from possibly ending Freya where she kneels.

"In case the analogy is lost on you...I believe my brother is calling you a hypocritical bitch." Rebekah says which I have to keep from laughing as I hide in the shadows waiting for the right opportunity to show myself.

"Hmm...bringing vampires to a witch fight...someone hasn't learned their lesson."

"Well, I can be a bit thick sometimes." Elijah brings Esther out in chains and seeing the color drain from Dahlia's pale face is all I needed in life. "Although this occasion, I'd say I took your lesson to heart."

"My chains." It almost sounds like Dahlia would start crying, but instead, she laughs. "Is she to be a gift to buy your freedom? Because I brought something." She holds up the white oak stake pointing it at the Mikaelson siblings.

"One stake. Three of us. Even if you didn't hesitate the other two would rip you in half."

"Sound thinking...but small thinking." She makes the stake turn into millions of tiny pieces forcing Klaus and his siblings to choke on the dust. I wanted to kill her now but her barrier had to be broken for me to do any damage.

"You're killing them." Freya cries out.

"Now sister, let us watch I burn your children from the inside out." Dahlia threatens Esther.

"You still carry around so much anger for me...after all these years."

"You broke your vow. We were standing together always and forever, and you marry that brutish Viking imbecile. You ended my family...and they were the result." Dahlia causes more pain to Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah and I want to rip her head off now but I have to wait for the right opportunity or I will never get the chance to kill her.

"You call this my wrongdoing? You made me bargain away my firstborn child. My daughter."

"Not just this firstborn, but every firstborn. You still found a way to deny me that which you had sworn would be mine! How do you think that I felt?" Klaus tries to rush at Dahlia but she stops him knocking the dagger from his hand. "Now Esther...say goodbye to the last of your children." All of the Mikaelson's grown in pain.

"Sister wait. You've won Dahlia. You have everything you ever wanted...including the firstborn of a new generation. You have bested us all. At least let me try to make amends. Let me share with you the glorious freedom I have found. In death..." Esther puts Dahlia in a chokehold with the chains while Freya breaks the seal.

"Sofia now!" I rush out as Klaus tosses me the dagger. But I stand before her and Esther. "What are you waiting for do it now!" Esther shouts at me.

"I have a better idea." I grab onto both of their heads and they scream out in agony.

"Sofia..." I push the Mikaelson's back as I smile at the cries of my victims.

"They need to know that I will not forgive that easily." I smirk at them. "Do you feel that dear sisters. Your blood is not only boiling but that's your insides wanting to come out of you." They want to dabble over to throw up but I keep them starring up at the moon as their eyes sizzle from my magic and their skin begins to melt. "The pain I will give you is nothing compared to what you've both done to me. But...alas the time has come. I ram the dagger through Esther into Dahlia killing them both as they start to turn to stone. I swing my hand back and knock both of their heads off. I look back at the Mikaelson's to see the horror written on their faces. "You're welcome." I speed off not needing to say anything else to them.

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