Trust Ceremony

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Did you guys like Jackson?

Finn placed a spell locking Marcel and his vampires in the compound and forcing them to have a ravenous hunger that they cannot control. Klaus and Elijah worked together to get past Finn's childish games but Kol was not so lucky Finn spelled him making his witch body come closer to death all with little knowledge of Rebekah's whereabouts. I feel uncertain that Hope will ever come home despite our best efforts of making New Orleans a safe and loving home for her. Hayley has other plans wanting to reassure me she will do anything in her power to help our family and her goddaughter.

"Nik hear me out."

"No, she is putting our family in danger!" Klaus is pissed as I tell him Hayley is planning to marry Jackson and unify our family's to protect Hope. He doesn't buy it under the assumption he is the only one who can care for and protect our daughter. He hates asking for or receiving help, but this is a time we need to put our issues aside for the benefit of our daughter.

"Nik she knows the risk and is willing to give up her future to save our daughter."

"She has no right to share information about our family that she has no business knowing!"

"She is Hope's godmother and gave birth to her. She is very much apart of this as we are. We wouldn't have Hope if it wasn't for her." I defend her actions knowing she would never put Hope in danger.

"I'm going to put a stop to this."

"Don't..." I can't say anything else as Klaus runs away. I quickly pull out my phone trying to get a hold of Hayley but since she's in the Bayou there is horrible cell service out there. I rush after Klaus hoping I can stop him before he does something he will most likely not forget.

I locate Klaus' position in the Bayou and I'm pissed as I see he snapped Hayley's neck. I have little time to wait for her to wake up as I use my sense to further locate him as hear Klaus threatening Jackson. "Tell me, how exactly would you like to die?" I'm running through the Bayou as I continue to listen to Jackson's groans as Klaus beats him. "Most of my victims start screaming about now. I'd prefer if you spared me the tedium of any last words...but if you are so inclined, now would be the time."

"Go to hell, you bastard."

"Bastard yes. That's exactly what I am. Made so by your precious mentor, Ansel. I'm curious. Did he teach you to regard me with such loathing? Or is that bias all of your own?"

"Is that what this is about? You jealous I got to spend time with your daddy?"

"You were his most prized pupil. The benefactor to all of his wisdom. Look at all the good he's done you."

"You could have learned from him yourself. If only you hadn't killed him."

"I see you've mastered the self-righteous air of all hypocrites. No, the truth're worse than me. Using Hayley's best intentions for your own self-serving power grab."

"You're wrong!"

"You want her you can wage wars and win territories. After all, that's what wolves do."

"You don't know a damn thing about being a wolf."

"No, I don't. I never had the luxury to live among my kind...nor the chance to truly know my father. But you knew him. Perhaps he saw in you the son he always wanted." I run faster as I hear Klaus constricting Jackson's airway. "I'm glad I was spared such a sorry fate. I've drawn this out for long enough. But you can hardly blame me. I find the sheer audacity of your plot quite offensive. Hayley is apart of my family now and you would seek to use her for your petty ambitions."

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