Hayley's Return

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Even with Freya's efforts, we were still no closer to finding where Hayley was and for some odd reason Jackson didn't turn back to his wolf form despite it being no longer a full moon. Elijah still isn't convinced we had nothing to do with her being missing. But what he fails to understand why would we ever do anything to her knowing we would have him and Jackson at our throats.

To distract ourselves we do what we always do. Be a family and loving parents to our daughter. Hope loves playing with her little piano I bought her. She's showing a real talent for music and art which makes Klaus and I happy. As long as she has a smile on her face that's all that matters. Klaus' phone rings distracting us. "I taught you better than to leave your leftovers in the streets." I roll my eyes knowing he's talking to Lucien. "My streets."

"You'll have to elaborate mate."

"Two bodies were found sporting rather memorable lacerations. Are you exorcising your demons by carving up the innocents of New Orleans?"

"Your family is full of unfounded accusations today. And if I was the culprit, why would you care? We used to make fantastic messes together."

"There is a delicate balance in this city. There are rules."

"Huh, and people you care about. You can't afford weakness like that right now. But then again if I had a weakness that looked like yours I might give up everything for."

"Watch what you say about my woman." I hear Klaus getting angry which weirdly makes me happy that he cares for me so much.

"It is nothing but a compliment of the highest level mate. Sofia Gilbert is a knockout and a powerful one at that. You are one lucky bastard."

"Speaking of weaknesses, there is a wolf chained to my wall who claims he took a chunk out of your arm. Come see me. I'll give you my blood in exchange for your word that these killings will stop."

"I'm afraid your family dog missed the mark, friend." I can hear Lucien's heavy breathing. "Barely a scratch. No venom reached the skin."

"You listen carefully, friend. My city has enjoyed months of relative peace. If that peace is in any way disrupted, the next gruesome murder will be yours."

"Ah, there's the Klaus I know." Lucien hangs upon him. I put Hope in her bed so she can have a nap.

"He's lying." I say to Klaus.

"And how do you know that my love?"

"Because my dear Nik your friend is nothing but a lying ass who is wanting to take everything from you."

"Now who's being paranoid?" Klaus jokes but this is not funny. People from his past who claim to be his friend have turned out to be against us. Even his family has gone against us in something I never thought they would do.

"Can I get some water or something?" I hear Freya ask Jackson who is still tied up from the night before.

"Let me out. It's dawn, I haven't turned back yet. It doesn't make any sense. Indeed to find Hayley.

"I can feel the curse in your blood. Somethings restraining it, but you could transition at any moment..."

"Where the hell is that bastard and bitch?" Klaus holds his hand up.

"You can..." Klaus shakes his head at me.

"Hayley what happened..."

"Hayley, come to apologize for all of your transgressions?" Klaus mocks her and I worry what is about to happen. Klaus is still stronger than Haley but she is full of anger and is unpredictable.

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