Seer's Lies or Truths

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Which supernatural creature would you have wanted to appear on TVD or TO?

"Just how do you and Nik know each other?" Lucien is being annoying as ever. "You seem far too beautiful to be with him and too smart to stay with him."

"Just keep walking Lucien." I fire back and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Please excuse the mess. I've been entertaining." We stop in front of a giant penthouse door. Lucien pushes it open and a full-on party is going n where vampires and humans are interacting. Well, vampires are feeding on humans and they like it.

"Well, you never were one for subtlety." Klaus is enjoying this as he takes in the party before him and if things were different I might as well, but something about Lucien gives me a bad vibe. I don't trust him and I especially don't trust his intentions with Klaus. Lucien leads us into a private room where candles are light and magic herbs and objects are placed around them. "You've brought us here for a séance?"

"Something like that." A girl in skimpy clothes comes out and I'm on guard not knowing what we just walked into. "I present my personal forecaster, the lovely Alexis."

"Don't tell me you're here to scry some future portents of my doom?" Nik is getting a kick out of this.

"Alexis is no back-alley palm reader. She's an expert cipher. Patterns, trends, cycles. She does exceptionally well on the stock market." Alexis goes to touch Klaus and I grab her wrist hard letting her know to keep her hands off him. "I see she touched a nerve."

"Get to the point Lucien. Why are we here?" I ask him again.

"Yes, Sofia and I are a little possessive of one another. You understand right love?" Klaus states to Alexis who still hasn't said anything.

"I've heard so much about you. The famous hybrid. Your ancient heart beats strong indeed for someone in such danger."

"If you have a warning to deliver, love best get on with it."

"By all means." Alexis is helped to take off her jacket by Lucien. "But if you want the most from the experience, I suggest you feed on me. As you do, you'll both be allowed into my mind. You can see for yourselves." I'm tense as I listen to her proposition. This doesn't seem right. Nothing about it seems right and yet I see Klaus thinking about feeding off this bitch.

"Come on. How long's it been since we shared a real drink?" Lucien takes the first bite and Klaus follows by attaching his mouth to her neck. What startles me is when she starts to speak.

"Drink deep, but beware what you broke is past repair. All of your oath you betray, your sacred vows you sever. And now you see nothing lasts for always and forever. Three yet remain, but two already crossed. Yet in one years time, you'll all be lost. As your family is undone, you will seed the beast that is to come..." Klaus rips his lips from her neck furious.

"You think you can fool me with bad poetry and parlor tricks." He has her in a loose but firm choke-hold.

"My visions are conjured from you. The threat you face will be more clear the longer I'm in your presence. Kill me, you'll never see what's coming. And you." She looks at me. "The worse part of the prophecy you haven't even heard."

"What lies will you tell me now?"

"These are not lies, believe them or not. They are still true. You Sofia Gilbert the witch from the prophecy that has defied all odds will face a fate worse than death. For all the wrong you've done it will catch up with you and there will be nothing you can do about it." Lucien kisses Alexis' hand and she leaves us.

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