Red Paint

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Who's your favorite Legacies' character?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I'm furious as I come back to the compound.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Cut the shit, Elijah!"

"I assure you there is no shit going on here." He stands firm in this and I nod my head.

"Alright." I lift my hand and he clutches his heart.


"No this is where you listen. You killed a man where my children sleep. My children Elijah!"

"Sofia please." He begs but I don't give a damn.

"You were willing to sacrifice children for what? To save this whole family!"

"I do what I have to to protect my family."

"At what cost Elijah?" I release my magic on him allowing him to breathe again. "My children believe in fairytales, love, and all things good. Sure they are mischievous who the hell wouldn't be when their father is Klaus."

"I was protecting my niece and nephew." Elijah defends his actions.

"I've told Nik this and I will tell you. Killing is not always the solution to this family's problems. In fact, it makes more of an issue than solves them."

"You're one to talk."

"Excuse me?"

"Did you not just come back from dealing with Sofya Voronova?"

"You know nothing."

"I do know this. You have not been as innocent as you say you have been. Hayley has told me about the ways you handled finding cures for this family. You are no different than I."

"That may be so. But here's the difference. When I shed blood I try and damn well make sure it's not in the same house where my children are." I speed in front of Elijah and stake him in the heart with a broken chair leg. "Don't talk to me about my moral compass. I already know it's not working." I step over Elijah not needing to have him judge me further. I know the horrible things I've done.

Klaus I sulking away with blood and alcohol and the only thing I need are my babies. "Mama!" They run at me and I bend down and pick them both up in my arms. "Grandma Mary showed us how to shot a bow!"

"Did she now?" I try and keep my tears from streaming down my eyes but my children make me emotional every time I'm around them.

"And she made us this amazing soup. You have to make it one day mama."

"I would love too."

"Are you going to read us a bedtime story?" Henry asks with joy radiating off him.

"Which one would you love to hear tonight?"

"The one about the two artists." Hope suggests.

"That one is your favorite." I state as I move into the middle of the bed. They snuggle up to me.

"It's the one that is about you and dad."

"That it is. So once upon a time in a small town in Virginia twin girls were born. One of these babies was born with a spectacular gift. She was a witch even if she wouldn't know it for a while."

"She's a witch-like us?" Henry asks as he snuggles into me more.

"Yes, my sweet boy." I kiss his head.

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