On the Run for Some Rum

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I can't wait for season 4. I have so many plans and I hope you will all love it.

"Is it really necessary for us to stop?" Klaus is if not the worst person to travel with. He's impatient and controlling and to say he and Hayley have been at each other's throats is an understatement.

"She's grabbing us a few things and stop complaining."

"She could be quicker about it."

"And we didn't have to drive around in such an expensive car." I point to the luxury vehicle we chose as our getaway car.

"And what would have us drive around in? A truck."

"It's less noticeable. And there's nothing wrong with a truck."

"Of course you would say that with your choice in ex's." He always throws a dig at Matt knowing he is the only one who could have given me a normal life. A life I don't want anymore.

"I wouldn't be throwing insults on ex's especially with yours running us out of town."


"Got it." Hayley interrupts holding up a trucker's hat.

"Absolutely not." Klaus protests.

"Need to blend in. You could start by losing the $1,000 jacket." He sighs loudly not liking the plan at all.

"Tell me again why we're on a scenic tour of the methamphetamine country and not compelling a jet to some far off, preferably tropical destination?"

"Do we need to remind you that we're not the one with an army of pissed-off vampires coming after us. You are. Tropical destination is a vacation and not where you hide." I remind Klaus who is annoyed.

"Can I have the keys?" Klaus reluctantly gives Hayley the keys.

"On a scale of one to ten, exactly how much am I going to despise this little plan of yours?" Hayley and I share a look.

"I'd say a solid 85." Hayley places the hat that says mother trucker on Klaus' head.

"Oh good." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"You've never looked sexier." I compliment him.

"You're lying."

"True you look damn sexy when you're naked underneath me." I love the comment so much he tries to plant a searing kiss on my lips but my bulging pregnant belly keeps him away. "Well, that was a buzz kill." I joke with him.

"Let's get on the road, you horny teenagers." Hayley calls out to us.

Hayley's grand plan is taking us into a bar. "I'm winning mom of the year. She's not even 2 yet and she's already in her first bar. My mother would be so proud." I joke with Hayley as she helps me gather Hope's things.

"Especially with your choice in a father figure."

"Enough with the shit talk let's get this over with." Klaus states as he places Hope in her stroller. I stay close to Klaus as we make into the bar. "Now I can see why you wanted to come here. I feel safer already." Klaus can't help but throw in more digs at Hayley.

We're closed." The bartender says to us.

"You don't look closed." Klaus looks adorable talking and acting all tough as he still sports the mother trucker hat.

"We are for you."

"Well, perhaps you failed to notice the hat." I take his hand in mine trying to keep him from killing someone.

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