Bayou Doctors

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I love all of the response you all have been leaving me. I love writing about Sofia and her life. I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned. There is so much to come and i hope you all will love it.

After even declaring my loyalty to Klaus' insane mission he's now taken things to a different level. Now instead of focusing on getting Elijah back from Marcel and his little teenage witch he's focused all of his attention on having Cami the bartender to record what he likes to call his memoirs. His way of letting the outside world know his version of history even if it is slightly misguided and wrong. He compels her to write his every word and then lets her go like it's no big deal. I am against it but Klaus has his own agenda's that I apparently have to business being a part of. No matter how much I want to. I thought this summer would bring us closer but it just seems to remind me that I may never be apart of his world.

One of the many New Orleans witches named Agnes feels it's her business to interject herself in my and Klaus' baby which Hayley just happens to be carrying in her uterus. "We told you, Agnes, I'm feeling great." Hayley tries to get her to leave but she is a persistent old bat.

"You are overdue for a checkup." She looks at both of us.

"What am I gonna do, pop into the quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by two witches? Nothing to see here." Hayley mocks.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child and since this child isn't even yours. It strikes me as odd that Sofia and you aren't taking better care of it." Rebekah remarks from the other couch. That insult stings a little but she's not wrong. Since finding out I was pregnant and then having my baby placed into Hayley's body I have been feeling out of place. She is the mother as of now since the baby is biologically mine but I feel this disconnect that I have no way of getting rid of.

"I know a doctor out in the Bayou off the beaten path. Now I took the liberty of making an appointment for you tonight. After hours, just us. Vampires will never get a word of it."

"We're going." I say before Hayley can say no.


"This is my baby and I want to make sure she is being taken care of. We're going." I say to her and she closes her mouth.

"Bayou baby doctor it is." She closes her baby book and we head out with Agnes before the sun sets hoping to get away from more of Marcel's minions who cannot walk in the sun. We need all of the extra time that we can get without being detected. I keep my location on for Klaus and Rebekah to track us. If growing up in Mystic Falls around all different kinds of magical creatures with their own intentions is to never trust anyone. You always have to watch your own back because no one else will.

It's dark by the time Agnes pulls up to the doctor's house and I feel this weird sense filling my whole body. Hayley looks to me and I look at her. I reach for her hand and squeeze it. "This is the doctor's office." Hayley says to Agnes in disbelief we're going to seek medical help from someone randomly in the woods.

"Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go she won't bite." Agnes encourages us and we hesitantly get out of the car.

"Hey, don't go anywhere without me." I tell Hayley.


"I don't have a good feeling about this and I need you to stay with me at all times." She nods her head as we make our way into the office. Dr. Paige is nice enough but there is still something off about her. She won't look us in the eye and keeps making sure we're okay even after we've assured her the tenth time. She tries giving us something to drink and I act like I drank it but quickly dump it not wanting to alert her. I help Hayley onto the exam table as she lays down and raises her shirt up to expose her still mostly flat stomach. It's still hard for me to believe my baby is in there but the moment the doctor placed the ultrasound wand on her stomach my heart stopped. Hearing the heartbeat filled my eyes with tears.

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