Steps Back

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Here's another update. Enjoy.

Hayley was unable to save Oliver from his fate of betraying everyone. He was sacrificed and his life is felt through the community. What troubles me more is Klaus comes home with Elijah on his arm covered in blood. Once we have Elijah settled in his bed and resting I fear to ask Klaus why he's covered in blood. "You need to talk to me."

"I do not want to speak right now Sofia..."

"Enough!" I shut the bedroom doors and lock us in. "You snapped my neck so you could face Mikael alone."

"I had to do it alone."

"And how did that turn out for you? He would have killed you if we didn't all stand by you."

"You heard what he said about me!"

"He's said what he's always said but that doesn't make it true."

"Get to the point Sofia."

"Why are you covered in blood?" He looks to the ground and begins to pace around the room.

"Esther was able to...she brought back my birth father and..." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "He's here to trick me. The blood is from the wolves I killed trying to save that fool of a werewolf."

"How was it seeing him?"

"It was nothing that matters to me. He's not..."

"He's your father Nik. He means something to you even if you don't want it to be."

"I felt weak once again when I saw him."

"What did you speak with your mother about all day? I tried locating you but she had me blocked."

"She gave me a proposition."

"Which means nothing good can come of it."

"She offered me a mortal life with you." My heart skips a beat as he says this. "She promised that she could put me into the body of a werewolf and you into a with. Where we could have a life we wanted. Have another child."

"What did you say?" He doesn't say anything and that worries me. He couldn't fall for her lies now, could he?

"I said no." 

"Why does it seem like a part of you wanted to say yes?"

"If you could change the life we live would you?" I move a pillow out of the way and lean against his shoulder.

"There have been many times in my life I wish I could have a do-over." I look up into his blue eyes that always melt when I stare into them. "There is nothing I would change. We will get our daughter back and it won't be because of your mother and her games."

"I worry Elijah will not be the same after what mother has done to him."

"He's strong. Like we all are. He will make it through this."

"I should have done more for you Sofia. I should have protected you from this life."

"Hey." I place my hand on his stopping his rant. "I love this life and everything you and I have made. The good and the bad was all worth it if it meant loving you and our daughter." Klaus crashes his lips to mine and I meet him with equal passion as we lose ourselves in the moment. I rest my head on his as I just listen to our steady breaths. "Whatever this relationship you might have with your father give him a chance."

"And what if it's just a game my mother is using to distract me?"

"You'll know what to do. You're Klaus Mikaelson. You make mistakes like anyone but I will always support you in everything you do." I stand up and hold my hand out to him. "Now let me clean that blood off you." Klaus stands and strips himself of his clothes and I lead us to the shower where for once we can wash our troubles away.

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