Untold Truths and Lies

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Cami's POV

Being held in Marcel's gym as Aurora turned all of the innocent men makes me sick. What worries me more is why did she take me in the first place? I have nothing to give her. "You really said that to him? People are not awful. They want to be good." She laughs in my face as she keeps asking me questions about things she already has answers to. "A bit saccharine, no?"

"Why don't you ask your ex?"

"You sound jealous? It seems as though you are, and yet you and Nik are and have not been lovers. You admitted so yourself, you've never even kissed."

"We're not romantically involved, no, but I do care about him and Sofia. The love of his life." Aurora is in my face in a millisecond.

"Do not say her name!" She orders me furious.

"Both Sofia and I see the good in him. Sofia knows that he wants to be more than what he is. And I don't think you would do much to help him get there."

"I said don't mention her name!"

"You can say whatever you want. But know this I find it interesting how angry you are just hearing her name. You're worried that Klaus will never love you now that he has her. They share a connection no one else could have. They are made for each other if you could ever believe in soulmates. She brings the best out of him and he brings the darkest parts of her to the surface and they balance each other out in the most perfect way. You're worried he never truly loved you now that you've seen how he loves her. You are beautiful, and you are powerful, and you do have a long history together. But you're worried he sees the truth. That your mind...it's a bit damaged, isn't it?" She smacks me sending me flying into the cage. I'm trying to catch my breath but it's becoming harder and harder.

"Okay, I've had enough. Now let's just...let's shine the light back on...tell me her deepest, darkest secret." She orders me.

"I don't..." She grabs my face in her hands and squeezes tight.

"Don't lie! I know as much as you are a therapist Nik you are also friend and counsel to her! Now tell me!"

"I have..." Aurora slaps me hard making my ears ring and my jaws too.

"She is not as perfect as you all make her out to be. She has her demons. Now tell me!" I stay silent which only makes her madder. "I will not ask again. And do not bother lying. I will know and I will end you."

"Sofia and Klaus' relationship started with death and destruction with love pushing its way through the cracks."

"I don't need to hear this..."

"You want to hear it if you want her secrets." I silence her and she takes a seat. "Klaus sacrificed Sofia's aunt and sister to break his curse."

"Her sister..."

"The Petrova doppelganger. They are twins and...and even with that Sofia found herself slowly falling for him. She saw something in him that he didn't see which was he was an honorable decent man at heart."

"And what did he see in her?"

"Darkness." She smirks at this. "Sofia is prophecized to be the witch who will bring the end to all witches. Her magic is unmatched and uncontrolled she..."

"She what?"

"When she became a hybrid she...after having to send their daughter away for her safety she...she was in a dark place. She craved her daughter's love and presence. She curved that hunger with another. She slaughtered people throughout the state of Louisiana and Georgia. Not caring who she killed."

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