Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

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Sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

"Where you ever going to tell me about the baby?" Klaus tracked me down as I gathered the supplies needed to perform my spell.

"I'm sorry didn't know you cared."

"Sofia..." Klaus grabs my hand and I push him off. "What happened?"

"I'm never better love."

"You're not my Sofia." I laugh as I nod my head at him.

"Bingo. I'm better. Now be a good boy and help aunt Dahlia while I work on my spell."

"Don't lose yourself Sofia."

"Too late." I kiss his cheek and head off.

Klaus tormented Elijah by forcing him to watch his fling Gia die in front of him as revenge for daggering him. Everyone tried in their vest effort to fool Dahlia but they are not smart enough. With my blood, it was easy enough to find where Hayley and Jackson were hiding our daughter. Now it's time to show them what it means to go against me. Klaus is having his fun as he slaughters some of their pack as I sit back and watch with a smile on my face. Jackson and Hayley tag team on Klaus and when they think they are winning I join the game. I send them flying back groaning in pain.

"Sofia?" Hayley gasp.

"Miss me, bitch?"

"What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same as you stole my child from my very arms!" I squeeze my hand and make Hayley watch as Jackson's heart strains against his chest.

"No! Sofia please..."

"It's always you begging for me to forgive you." I smirk at her. "What you've done cannot be forgiven."

"I will kill you." Hayley lunges at me.

"Enough." Dahlia comes to join us shocking them all.

"Why is she with you two?" Hayley asks once I release her and Jackson.

"Unlike some, he's doing what is best for his daughter." Dahlia informs her.

"I'm gonna skin you alive..."

"Such poor threats Hayley let me show you something to fear." I hold my hands up and she and her pack fall to the ground clutching their chests as their bodies begin to break. Bone cracking is all we can hear. Hayley looks at her pack in fear of what is happening and it brings me joy.

"What are you doing to us?" She asks me.

"Oh, this is payback for stealing my child and thinking you could ever replace me." I get in her face. I grab her hair forcing her head back so she can look me in the eyes. "Go ahead and beg for death because it will not come until I say so and when it does you will die a slow agonizing one over and over again. Now that's a promise I can keep yet you couldn't stay loyal to me."

"Funny thing is she made this spell up herself not even needing Marcel's." Klaus adds with joy in his voice.

"Now you will be right where you belong." I still have Hayley in a hold. "Have fun playing with the dogs for the rest of your life. I can't promise I won't go hunting." I shove her back watching with enjoyment as every bone in her body breaks.

"No, you will be trapped in wolf form say until the full moon. Leaving you little time to cause any further mischief."

"And thanks to your wonderful unification ritual linking you to your they will share your fate, bitch." It's music to my ears hearing her groan and cry out in pain.

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