Revenge Part 1

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Enjoy another update and I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned for season 2.

"As lovely as this moment was between us, my love." Klaus holds my hand as we walk back to the boardinghouse. "I need to tell you some sad news."

"Which is?"

"In your absence, Davina fell ill from the Harvest Magic and..." He didn't need to finish as I already knew what he was going to say.

"You let her be sacrificed didn't you?"

It was the end of the world or the girl. I choose the better option."

"She was just a child Nik. She had so much to live for!"

"And now our child will continue to live because of her sacrifice!" I hang my head knowing this is a hard pill to swallow. I was growing close to Davina and I wasn't even here for her in the end. I was instead of dealing with my own midlife crisis.

"How did Marcel take it?"

"Who cares love. You can come home. Our child continues to grow safely in Hayley and soon we will be a complete family."

"You don't seem worried."

"Why would I be worried?"

"The Harvest was supposed to strengthen the magic of The French Quarter witches. Even without it, they were powerful what do you think they will be like with more power?"

"Let's not dwell on the negative things Sofia. Please come home with me and we can work everything out."

"I have to say goodbye to my sister. I planned to stay longer and now..."

"Your city needs you Sofia."

"New Orleans is your city Nik. Not mine."

"It is ours and I need your help if we want it to continue to prosper."

Waiting for Elena to come through the door was hard. I know she hoped I would stay longer and we could catch up but I called Cami and she told me everything has turned upside down since the ritual. The ritual failed or so we think. Something happened but not the thing we thought would happen. I need to make sure Hayley and the baby are safe. With Klaus making more enemies every day I have to worry that things are only going to get worse.

"Hey Sof, uh I'm about to..." Elena looks to me. "What? Are you leaving already?"

"I thought I would be able to stay longer but things are getting worse in New Orleans and I'm needed there."

"But you just got here."

"I know and I wish I could stay and if the girl carrying my baby wasn't in the middle of all this I would stay but..." She takes my hand and squeezes it.

"You have to go. I wish things were different and we could have the normal sister relationship but..."

"Normal is boring." I say smiling at her and she does the same back.

"Call me when you make it back and make sure Klaus continues to treat you the way you deserve." She says after hugging me.

"And don't let Damon push you away."


"He doesn't love easily Lenny. He's willing to let you go which means he cares deeply for you. He wants you happy and if that means you take a little break then do it but don't give up on him."


"Before dating him I was friends with Damon. I was his only friend for a long time. As much as he and Klaus butted heads they are more alike then they would like to admit. They don't believe they deserve happiness and sometimes you have to fight for."

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