Getting Closer to Hell

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Sorry for the long wait. I have been brainstorming how I'm going to write the rest of this book. I hope you all enjoy what I have planned.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I'm pissed at Klaus.

"And there is my lovely fiancé. Good morning love."

"Cut the crap!" Elijah takes a step back as I get closer to Klaus. "Why in the world would you ever give a new vampire a daylight ring?"

"Cami needed to feel normal and keeping inside until the sun goes down is not normal." He says this like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"Are you shitting me? Cami needs to learn control of her new abilities before you just allow her to do what she wants."

"And is that what Bonnie said when she gave you your ring?"

"She made me wait. I didn't get my ring right away. And Cami is unstable."

"You underestimate her my love."

"Speaking of being the only one's been newly transitioned and the pressure that comes with it. Trust me she is not okay even if she says she is. She's going through a lot."

"And you think I don't know that? I was one of the first..."

"Yes, you're an Original. But it's been a thousand years since you've known what it feels like being a new vampire."

"I am watching after her my love. I will not allow any harm to come to our lovely Camille."

"And what harm will you protect others from her?"

"I will teach her everything I know."

"And that makes me worry."

"And why would you say that?"

"Teaching her how much fun it can be killing people or feeding on them might be too much for her."

"I can handle Cami."

"You better because if something happens because of that damn ring I will be looking to you for answers." I grab my bag and he rushes in front of me.

"And where are you going?"

"Hayley just lost her husband. I'm going over to help her pack up some of Jackson's things. She needs support right now and it helps to have Hope around."

"Are you sure it's safe..."

"Hayley is Hope's godmother. She needs family around her right now. Feeling alone is one of the worse things that could happen to her right now."

"Well be safe my love and I will see you and our daughter later." I kiss his cheek and grab Hope from her room.

"You didn't have to do this." Hayley is trying to stay strong even though I can tell she's crumbling inside.

"Hope wanted to see you and you're cleaning up my daughter's toys and...I want to be here with you."

"'s weird being here and he's not. I think I see him or even hear his laugh but he's not there. I smell him all over this apartment." I place Hope down on a blanket where she plays with the Knight Klaus made.

"You'll always see him." She looks at me with tears streaming down her face.

" do you get over it?"

"When my parents died I didn't sleep for months. Because every time I would allow myself to sleep I had this weird feeling like they were there in the house. Even if no one was cooking I swore I smelt my mom's cooking and my dad talking about his day at the hospital. I heard them everywhere I went. Hell, I couldn't walk through town without thinking I saw them. You'll never get over Jackson. You loved him and I know how much he meant to you."

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