Love at First Sight

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I hope you all enjoy this new update.

"Hello, Nik." Is all I can say as I feel my heart jumping out of my chest.

"'re a figment of my imagination wanting to punish me again!" He screams. "You're not real. You can't be! I killed you!" He continues to scream but I shake my head.

"It's a lot to explain but I'm very much alive." I slowly step forward until I'm right in front of him. He tries to run but I stop him with my magic keeping him in place. "It's me Nik. I'm here." I reach forward and hold his face in my hands. "I'm here Nik. Open your eyes." Finally, I see his ocean blue eyes and his face softens.

"How are you even here?" He chokes on his own tears as he asks me.

"It's a lot to explain but I'm here Nik. I'm alive." Tears are streaming down his face and he quickly falls to his knees.

"I failed you, my love! I failed you and I could never ask you..." I bend down to face him and bring him close to me.

"There is nothing to forgive Nik. I know what part my own darkness played in my death. I do not blame you." I caress his face. "I'm sorry for the pain you went through because of the dark part of me."

"How are you...where have you been?"

"I will tell you all in good time. Right now I want to hug you and never let you go." That's all it took and Klaus tackles me with a hug. We cry into each other's shoulders and let out all of the pain we hold in our hearts.

"I thought I lost you forever. I wanted to die if it meant being with you."

"Now you don't have to. We can live in this world raising our daughter together." I say looking at him. "Life without you in it Nik is not a life I want."

"And you'll never have to experience it, my love." I waste no time before smashing my lips to his. I've never felt such passion in each kiss until now. It's like I couldn't get enough of him and he was the only thing keeping me alive. I break the kiss needing to breath but rest my forehead on his. "Thinking about the moment I would be in your arms again and seeing our daughter was all I needed to fight to come back to you both."

"My love there is nothing I can say or do to make you know how grateful I am to have you back. I am so sorry for everything..."

"Nothing to apologize for. Now let's see our daughter." Klaus takes my hand and makes the longest walk up the stairs. I've never felt my heart race as much as it is now. I never got to experience what it was like to carry her in me and here I am to meet her for the first time. My daughter the person I loved without even meeting. I would do anything for her and I did. I killed Genevieve for her and promised to do the same to anyone who dared to harm her.

Klaus opens the nursey and my heart stops as I see her for the first time. I've never felt such pure and unconditional love until laying eyes on her. She is everything and more than I had hoped for. She is perfection in such a messed up world. "Pick her up love. She's been waiting for you."

"How do you know?"

"After your death, she wouldn't stop kicking in Hayley's stomach. She needed her mother and now you're here." I carefully reach into the crib and pick her up in my arms. She instantly leans over and rests her head on my chest reaching for my hair with her tiny hands.

"She's perfect." I say as I continue to rock her. Klaus comes from behind me and hugs me and reaches forward to help rock our child. "I've never felt love like this before." I say not being able to take my eyes off her.

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