New Leaf

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I loved writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

All I could think about was Hope and how she is not in our lives. She is who knows where in the world. Safe and sound but not in my arms. I cried the first night she left. I haven't felt such pain since the death of my parents and even then the pain I feel in my heart doesn't compare to the one I feel for my child. Klaus tries to stay strong but I know it's killing him too.

Hayley and Elijah try to comfort us in every way they can but no matter how much they love and care for Hope nothing they feel for her compares to our love. My heart aches not having her with me. I barely got to have her before she was ripped from me. I shook the city of New Orleans that night from my rage and heartbreak. I watched the news speaking about how some of the oldest buildings in town suffered serious damage from an unknown earthquake. If I had it my way I would crumble a whole state if it meant getting my daughter back in my arms. I have so much anger and frustration toward Klaus and his siblings for the enemies they made over the centuries. I know this is only because I miss Hope so much, but I find myself becoming a bitter person.

I left Mystic Falls after coming back from the Prison World with Bonnie not telling anyone I had died. I even asked Bonnie for her not to mention me since I had things I needed to deal with back in New Orleans. She didn't want to at first but understood I had to deal with things in my own way. She called me on the second week without Hope asking for my help. I didn't think twice about it as I needed something to take my mind off things. Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley had things sort of under control on figuring how to get the moonlight rings back from The Guerra wolves. Bonnie nor my sister knew anything about Hope and I plan to tell them she died. I have to keep the story straight even to them. I can't have them involved in my mess.


Arriving at the Boarding House I was filled with all these emotions wanting to force themselves out. I wanted to cry and scream and above all, I wanted to die.  Klaus and I promised always and forever to each other but no one knew losing our daughter would put a wedge between us. We needed this time away to deal with what's happening in our lives and I needed to get my anger out. "To meet the woman who gave birth to the two epic loves of my life?" I hear my sisters voice.

"Yes, I love meeting an ex's mom. It's the highlight of my life." I state smiling at my sister who runs into my arms.

"What? How are you...when..."

"I called and asked for her help." Bonnie says smiling at me.

"Yeah, things are a little intense in New Orleans and I needed to get away."

"And to get away you wanted to come with us to a 1903 Prison World?" Damon asks suspiciously.

"I have to keep it exciting." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Woah! Woah as powerful as I am there is a limit how many people  can transport with this spell." The guy who I can only assume is the psychotic Kai who left Bonnie to die alone.

"Well, douchebag now there's three of us."

" do..." I just look at him and throw him into the wall. I hold him there and Bonnie smiles nodding her head.

"I know what you did to Bonnie and she may have moved on enough to work with you but I just lost my baby and I'm ready to kill or torture anyone who pisses me off."

"What?" Bonnie, Elena, and Damon say together.

"There were wolves who took over New Orleans and my baby was a causality." I say trying to keep it together. "And I will say it again. The three of us will do the spell together. And if you try and do anything to double cross us I will castrate you." I say with a smile and Kai looks terrified but also a little happy.

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