Twist of Fate

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This will be a confusing chapter but bare with me there's a reason to it all. Please enjoy.

Klaus' POV

Sofia is needing more rest which gives me ample time to spend with our children. I compelled all of the sweets for my children to enjoy and it's the best thing seeing them smiling with joy in their eyes. "Now you can't call yourself a connoisseur if you have not sampled each and every one of these. Here." I pick up a beignet and bring it to Hope's mouth and then Henry who mostly has powder sugar on his face.

"Mmm, it's so good!"

"Daddy look!" Henry is using his magic to levitate two different sweets in the air so he can take a bite from each.

"Excellent my son." Henry smiles big at me and my heart feels full. "Did I ever tell you the story of my first beignet?" My children shake their heads. "No?" I place my children down on the ground. "You two are in for a treat." I place them down on their seats. "Long ago, three French nuns came to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. And they came here." I point to the ground in front of me. "They marched right into our courtyard, and they presented your Uncle Elijah and me with these rather lumpy looking, sugar-coated pastries. Well, needless to say, we were entranced. We set them up quite well."

"Why did they come to you?" Hope asks me.

"Because there was a time when we were regarded as royalty. You might even go as far as to say I was a king, which would make you a princess and you a prince."

"Like the ones in mama's stories." Henry exclaims with excitement.

"Precisely my son." I ruffle his hair.

"Good morning." Hayley comes in greeting the children and me. "I guess apple turnover is fruit." She eyes the pastries with a little concern.

"Well, I saw no harm in indulging my children's sweet tooth. All things in moderation, of course." I joke motioning to the mountain of sweets.

"Okay. Don't eat too many. You two will get a stomachache." Hayley instructs. Henry nods as he shoves his well I lost count how many pastries into his mouth. "Can we talk?" Hayley pulls me to the side. "Have you seen Elijah?"

"I thought he was with you." I state confused.

"I haven't seen him since he left for Marcel's last night." Hayley explains to me and I ponder.

"And here I thought we had a truce."

3rd Person POV

"You knew this day would come. All those years abstaining from magic, afraid that if you practiced, I might come around. Still, after all that, here I am." The Hollow possessing Sofya circles around Vincent.

"Here you are. Hiding inside the body of a vampire, because you're not as strong as you want me to think." The Hollow raises her hand and Vincent is strung up in the air by her magic gasping in pain.

"You always, had such spine. It's what I enjoyed most about you. And I know you enjoyed the power I had to offer. It's still here, Vincent. You can have it all back if you want. You just need to swear loyalty to me."

"The only thing I want is for you to slither back into the rot that you came from." Vincent fires at her and he's sent flying back into one of the broken pews. He cries out in pain as he clutches his back. "Do you want to fight me? Well, come on!" Vincent stands up to face her.

"I should send you back to join your dead wife. But I have a better idea. An offer, for you and the Mikaelson's. You can hear me out...or die. The choice is yours." The Hollow instructs.

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