Goodbye for Now

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Sorry for the confusion with the repeated chapter. Here is the last chapter of season 3.

3rd POV

"Sofia stay with me!" Hayley places her hands ready to deliver Sofia's baby. All of the Mikaelson siblings are passed out in their chairs. Everything around them stands still as the stress of labor looms over them.

"I...AHHHH!!!!" Sofia lets out a blood-chilling scream.

"You need to push!" Hope can be heard crying in the background at the sound of her mother being in pain.

"I...I can't." Sofia cries as she tries to calm herself but she keeps upsetting herself.

"You need to. We are running out of time and we need to get them in the truck."


"Sofia it's now. Damnit, push!" Hayley orders and Sofia begins to push. "You can do this. Come on." The room is shaking which worries Hayley on if Sofia will lose control but this baby needs to be delivered now. One last scream and the room is suddenly filled with a new sound. An infant takes its first breaths outside of the womb. Suddenly everything stands still. Hayley carefully cuts the umbilical cord.

"Is he..."

"Sofia he's perfect." Hayley places the newborn on his mother's chest and finally, everything makes sense in the world. All of the hell they've been through in the past years means nothing when a baby is brought into the world.

"He's so beautiful." Sofia cries with joy as she holds her newborn son. "His hair looks like Nik's." She comments and Hayley can tell she's trying to keep it together knowing her fiancé is going through hell in order to keep his family alive.

"We'll free them Sofia. Please know I will do everything to reunite us all."

"I know Hayley. Always and forever." Sofia places a kiss on her son's head. "I'm fine, please make sure Rebekah is safe." Hayley speeds away as Sofia holds her son. She's never felt, such pure love. Nothing matches holding your child for the first time. She remembered what she felt like when she first laid eyes on Hope and that magical feeling is back looking at her son. Her son that reminds her so much of the man she loves

"I've told your sister this and I will tell you this, my angel. Your father and I love you both very much. Every pain we may go through, anything we endure in the name of family is to give you both the life we always wanted. Surrounded by those who love you. I promise with every bone in my body I will not rest until our family is whole. My angel, you and your sister will know love like no one else." I kiss my son's head and held him tight. I gasp as I look into his eyes. They remind me so much of Klaus.

Sofia's POV

"Sofia, are you ready?" Hayley calls out as she comes back into Lucien's penthouse. "Sofia?"

"I can't leave just yet." I rock my newborn in my arms.

"What do you need more than keeping your family safe?" Hayley is getting upset since we are crush for time. We did not plan for me going into labor during this save the Mikaelson family mission. Nothing is going as planned, but there is something else I need to do.

"I have to make someone feel just an ounce of pain that we're feeling. The pain my children will feel not having their father."

"How are we going to get out of here if you get revenge?"

"Hayley you're going to take the kids and the family to the safe house..."

"Where will you be?"

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