Sacrifice of Innocence

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I loved writing these next few chapters. I hope you all enjoy this update.

Hayley's POV

It's been almost four months since Sofia's death. No one knows how to comprehend what life without her will be like. I know I feel so unsure of what my place is in this crazy world. Here I am the pregnant werewolf carrying her and Klaus' child and in less than a few months their daughter will be born without her mother. With time running short and the world growing crazier around us I decide the only thing I can do is write a letter to the unborn miracle baby who've I've grown to love so much. "Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors? So who's the lucky recipient then...Jackson or Elijah?" Klaus jokes with me and I shake my head. "Don't tell me it's me." I chuckle at his joke. He's rarely found days where he can smile since Sofia's passing. This is a rare moment and it's refreshing to have him smiling rather than destroying everything in his path. "Just so you know Sofia does not like to share." It's the first time he mentioned her name without falling apart.

"And the award for biggest ego goes to..." I motion to him with a smirk on my face. "Oh!" I rest my hand on my belly as the baby gives me a giant kick. "Heh heh."

"How's my littlest wolf?" He asks with concern.

"Do you want to..." I motion for him to feel the baby and he's hesitant but a smile so pure graces his face. "Come on." He kneels down and cautiously places his hands on my stomach.

"Oh." He jumps as the baby kicks.

"Do you feel that?" I ask him and for a moment it was like we got the old Klaus back. But he quickly pushes him away.

"Alright. I'll leave you to your secret letter then." He leaves me and feels for him. I may not have agreed with him nor liked him in the beginning but he loved Sofia with all his heart. And everything that Rebekah and Elijah shared with me Sofia was the one person in all his life that he truly loved. They even thought for a moment he would even become human for her if that allowed him to be with her. Klaus wanting to be human is something no one ever thought they would hear but it seemed to make sense for him. Sofia brought out a side of him that no one else saw and she accepted the bad as much as the good. She loved him despite what he's done but didn't stand for his shit when he did something wrong. She was strong-willed and loved him with all her heart.

I go back to writing my letter. "Dear Zoey, or Caitlin or Angela or whatever beautiful name your mom would have given you. To Sofia's little girl your dad just asked me if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I may not be your biological mother but having the privilege of carrying you all these months has shown me what true and pure love is. I know I'm not nor will I ever try to be your mom, but I want you to know I will always love you. I will want nothing but the best for you. Your mom loved you very much. She fought for you every step of the way and I know she will always be looking out for you. I never knew my own mother and I have no idea what she must have felt when she carried me. And I know your mom wished she was able to carry you but I want you to know how happy you made her. How much your father and mother couldn't wait to meet you. And since your mother isn't able to say this I will make sure to live by this promise. Your mother grew up in a loving home full of laughter and joy. She went through hardships but made it through it a stronger and more independent person. I will make you three promises that you will have that I never did. A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what. In other words a family. And let's not forget your mother has a sister and brother who are excited to meet you. They will love you more than you could ever know. I promise you that I will always be here for you and you will never forget how amazing your mother Sofia Gilbert was and will always be. She was a fighter and she will look over you and protect you. So there you go baby girl the rest we're going to have to figure out together. I love you your friend and protector Hayley."

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