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Also by this Author
The Black Bird
Until My Last Breath
After The Engagement
The Grudge

The Grudge:

       Bode is driven and ambitious, but maybe too hardheaded and impatient to make the right choices, that he has to do the unthinkable.
       Timi wants to go to school, provide for the family, and her grandmother's hospital bills all at the same time. But how will she make her grandmother believe that she isn't like her late mother? Or is she?
        Zika has only one rule: Men are worthless beings, not even the law can save them from her. But Dele is different in an annoying way. But how does one have a clean record and still be the Devil everyone says he is?
        Dele has never been so cursed in his life. His misfortune was becoming a voice that announced his presence wherever he goes. The same voice seems to have a hand in his growing relationship with his obnoxious lawyer.
        When different paths merge as one, and becomes a dead end, what becomes the best option if going back is not

Games By Dim Light:

This story is more of romance and mature content. Very mature content so I may not be able to state it at the particular chapter, I might forget to do that so if you come across that and you're below 18 just skip if you like😁
And apart from the mature content, I always love to pass a message through my stories so I hope you enjoy this one and get what I'm trying to pass.
And please VOTE. Your votes and COMMENTS are, has always been and will always be important to me.
I'm still writing my first story titled  THE BLACK BIRD and its still being published. So I'll still be writing that and this one too.
This story has a lot of lessons. I hope you enjoy it. It is based in a Nigerian setting and I am an Igbo girl 🙂 so I'll be putting some of my language in it...Not all because it won't be entirely Igbo. The characters will be very educated to speak well polished English. And you might get to see dirty words too but as you read the story, you will understand why I had to put the dirty words.
Love you,

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now