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Melanie's POV

My mind was still rooted on the conversation I had with Lucas earlier. Will it shock to say that I was surprised that he brought me to my school gate this morning?

Well, I know I said that I didn't like the guy much but he seems kind of fun though. Except for the snide comments he keeps making.

And that draws me closer to the same thing we had argued about almost the entire trip to school today. I couldn't place my mind on any reason for that nickname. But I was still thinking about it as of it was my own name.

I was itching to ask someone and as if God was trying to answer my prayers, AJ came up to sit beside me with a toothy grin. I smiled at her in return. And then while she was opening her soft drink, I took my time to study her.

Why do people keep saying she's the bitch here? I see no bitchiness and I know I won't see any in the near future. She's sweet, down to earth kind of lady and very funny. She's an affectionate person and I honestly don't know what others see in her that is so odd. My guess; Lucas and Jenna don't like the Jacobs.

But Jenna is a Jacob.

I sighed and placed my head in my palms. This is a puzzle, honestly. Why Jenna and Lucas would hate AJ and her brothers and still stick around with them, attend parties with them and have the same kind of fun with them, even the same kind of tattoo, is beyond me.

But then I reminded myself that they probably have been having this feud for years.

Derrick had said that he and Jenna are very close, yet she wants me to stay away from them.

And I know that Tammy once said that Lucas is their good buddy but then he still warns me to stay away from the Jacobs.

I'm not too close to Tammy bit she's just like AJ. Sweet and nice.

AJ smiled at me again. "What's up? Why are you so fucking quiet?"

I need to get used to them using the f-word around me. I know my aunt will faint at the sound of it coming from my lips.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking. Lucas is throwing a pool party."

She froze. Odd.

"How did you know that?"

"He told me."

She frowned. "Have you and Lucas been talking?"
She asked, slowly.

I shrugged. "Not really. Not much. He only drove me to school today."
I said and shrugged again.

"Huh. He did, huh? And? How did he know your house?"

I had to stare at her for a second.
"Um...He doesn't. He saw me at the bus stop."

Then she grinned and shrugged. "Fair enough. Just be careful around him. You never know what he is thinking sometimes."

I watched her for a minute. She simply said it and went back to drinking her soft drink.
Just be careful around him. You never know what he is thinking sometimes.

"You're too good to be used again."

What is going on?



"What did you mean by that? Lucas can't be trusted?"

She nodded. "Yeah. He is ...unpredictable sometimes."

"How? I think you should tell me about them all. I'm thinking Jenna is the unpredictable one here."
I said and chuckled.

"She has her moments too. She can be sweet when she wants to be. And other days, she's just...a bitch, you know."

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